Certain things happens to us in our life for a purpose,most times we blame ourselves whenever we don't get the good things we desire.
To achieve success we need to leave somethings behind which would make us become we we are meant to be,we need to sacrifice good things so better things can take their place.
There's a purpose for any thing that happens for you,be it good or bad we just have to accept the fate that it happened for a reason.
You might be going through some hard time at work or at school,but whatever challenges you are going through in life,they are shaping you into become a better person.
When things are working out as planned we experience regret,we wish we had another step to get it done our way but it happened for a reason.
For example,if you had a breakup in your relationship,it happened for a reason so you don't need to feel sad or moody,your partner might not be the right person for you to get married to,if such relationship continues there might be fights and quarrel along the line.
It might hurt us whenever we lost someone precious to us,like our grandparents or someone really close to us,we shouldn't feel bad,it happened for a purpose.
There are several instances where i come to understanding that the statement is true, everything that happens in our life be it good or bad has a purpose why it happened.
There was a day my aunt was coming from the village,that was early last year she called us that she wants to come and spend the holiday with us,she landed safely in Lagos where we lived so we had to go and pick her at the park,we spent 2 hours in the car due to traffic jam but we finally got to see her and we took her bags and baggages and headed to board a public transport to take us home but unfortunately something happened which I know it happened for a purpose,we were to board a public transport to carry us to Iyana-ipaja in Lagos state,but we made a mistake by entering a public transport without asking for where it's heading to,we have gone far before I asked the driver and he told me he was going to another direction not ours,I was sad by then caused we've wasted time and money at the same time but I know it happened for a reason.
We had to tell the driver to take us back to the bustop where he took us from and he did that which gave me a relief,it was my first time experiencing that,it happened for a purpose,it might be there was going to be an accident if we had taken straight home but something happened which looked like delay to us and we are happy when we got home.
No matter what happens,be it good or bad we should take it that way that it happens for a reason which we would curve out and find out the reason.
Thanks for reading 😊