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RE: Molotov Cocktail sketch

in Board Gaminglast year (edited)

Does this card also deal fire damage?

Yes, the card's damage type is Fire. Fire's identity involves spreading itself around, hitting secondary targets. The Molotov Cocktail, in particular, is a de facto board wipe. Solid card across the board, but still balanced enough to be decent at what it does.

Also that Guy looks Cute... NGL.

That's GRip. He's one of the first Condemned, and has a pretty tragic backstory.


Of course, I always go for the People that have Tragic Backstories. What else is New?

Maybe. Someone could go into the backstories of each Condemned. Also, make sure to Update Us on the New Content on YouTube or 3Speak?

Regardless, the Arts Look really fine.

Yeah, I've been meaning to do up posts on my website covering that in depth. Actually, I have some plans already in motion regarding this, that aren't quite yet ready to discuss...