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RE: AAAA - Ask Acid Almost Anything

in AskMe4 years ago

I started mining Bitcoin in spring of 2013 on an laptop nvidia GPU, then litecoin and then dogecoin and the rest of alts that sprung up during the alt goldrush.

Probably the trails early on that gave me more influence on the rewardpool and later on delegations when that was made possible on the blockchain level. I feel I've accomplished a lot with them over the years while still keeping things manual. Although I admit some times being 100% manual has backfired as I've missed a lot of great authors and content I would've wanted curated. Maybe I can go a bit hybrid in the near future.

I don't have any experience with horses, really so no real opinion on that. They are cool I guess.

Hmm, hopefully this decade.

I'm okay, you're the first to ask that here. :P I've gained some lockdown weight I'm looking forward to lose soon again and hopefully go out more and take a long break from my Hive duties at the same time. How are you? :)


Woow, you have a loooong time around here. AND Hybrid sounds good, automating some things is better choice, but without forgetting the human touch, in my opinion of course...

¨This decade¨ well, is better than never hahahahaha

Very glad you´re ok, and fit people is overrated, don´t fall for that #Fatliferocks #Foodislove. (I have also gained some weight hahahaha but shhh it suits me!)

Btw, I don´t really like horses, actually afraid of them, they can break me with a kick, i´m too small for that hahahaha
