Yeah I have had some surprises of late regarding how I thought some of those projects work when I heard others deconstructing them and explain how they actually work. I would never have worked it out myself. I am only getting my head round using a PC these last few years and the big 5 0 comin' up next year lol.
However I just set a goal to become a full time'ish' content creator by December 31st 2022, obviously not just on Hive, ((I gotta eat dude!!! 😂)) especially as I intend to grow my stake to a really great level over the next coupla years. I am practicing for my first ever online video for Hive before I go and create content for other platforms.
I would actually quite like to try an AM'A'A but I think it would be a bit wasted atm as few would see it but definitely one of the future plans 😎 Just after my 3rd Hiveiversary an awesome community member sent me a delegation almost doubling my account for promo work on Twitter, which just goes to prove that longterm effort even with a broken journey ((bloody life!!!)) does pay off.
Thanks for doing this and helping answer the serious and less so queries from the community, you're one of the good guys man 🙂👍