I remember the song "I wanna be with you" from my childhood. This was one of the biggest hits from The Kelly Family, but I have got to admit, it was mostly the only song I remembered from the family.
Then I met my wife and I discovered that she had been a big fan of The Kelly Family. To be honest, that is something I appreciated, because they represented good values and the songs were nice and everything. Since then, most of the family members have gone in all directions, some of them have joined forces together again, while Paddy Kelly (also known as Michael Patrick Kelly) became a monk (for a while). But, he ended that road, and later he got married, and he has now entered the music business once again. He has actually been there for some years and he has created some songs that have become really popular, whereof Beautiful Madness probably is his biggest hit. I am not a big fan of the music video for the song, but the song itself is definitely a favorite.
His new album BOATS... based on true stories!
What I like about Michael Patrick Kelly, and much more so after watching the YouTube documentary, is the fact that he has songs with actual meaning and they are much more than just words meeting one another in order to make a hit. He is writing about actual incidents, actual people, and he is sharing hope, truth, and so much more through his songs.
As I just watched the forty-minute documentary about BOATS, his newest album, I was touched many times as he told the stories behind several of the songs and how they were brought to life. It was also interesting just to look into the life of a songwriter as he tells about how a song is made and how many different ways that can happen.
So, this isn't a documentary just for fans of Michael Patrick Kelly, but also for those who simply love music, song-writing, and songs with a deeper meaning and message.
Well, the name of their hit isn't I wanne be with you, but the true title is I can't help myself... So, check the video and sing along:
That face of Angelo... they were so cute :) Thanks for correcting me.