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RE: Swing Dancing in Seoul

in Dance and music4 years ago

You are wonderful! My daughter is a dancer. Time, and a lot of athletic dancing, have taken their toll on her body, so she can't dance professionally anymore. When she did, though she was something. People who express themselves through movement experience a special kind of joy!


Gosh, the effects of a compliment on self-confidence are simply wonderful! Your daughter was a professional dancer?! I'd love to see if she's got any videos up. I spend most of my time watching dancers on Instagram these days. I mean, I've always loved dancing and as an Indian the stereotype holds. But learning it in a formal setting and especially social dance is truly a joy. And in the pandemic, where people who live alone are so deprived of any kind of physical contact, it's just magical.

I'll have to check with her to see if she has a video to share. It's amazing that she's a natural performer and I'm an introvert. Although, when we went to see Pulse: A Stomp Odyssey (she had a bit part--her dance style is break/hip hop) at its Museum of Natural History showing, she reminded me that I used to dance Flamingo around the house :))

I'm going to share your video with her. She admires all dancers.

Please do!

That’s interesting though - that performers tend to be extroverted. I guess because this is a social dance, the people in our community also tend to be introverts who don’t like to communicate with words but like to just dance. I know so many people who’re comfortable on the floor but when you talk to them, they’re a bit more introverted. I’m the same! I fall at the 49% extrovert and 51% introvert mark (if those personality tests are anything to go by) and it’s interesting that I also prefer to dance to express myself and communicate and then just pack my bags and go home, hehe.