One time I visited Cambodia. It was my first trip to the country once ruled by the Pol Pot regime. And, on Saturday (20/1/2018) I visited Angkor Wat in Angkor, Siem Reap, Cambodia. For information, Angkor Wat is one of the main tourist destinations in Cambodia, and the largest foreign exchange earner for the country that was hit by civil war.
Before coming to Cambodia, I heard many names of Angkor Wat mentioned. I was even advised to visit Angkor Wat, one of the mandatory destinations when visiting Cambodia. "Later, don't forget to go to Angkor Wat, sir," they suggested.
While in the Angkor Wat temple complex, I captured many moments. Here are some pictures that I recorded. I hope you will.
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Wow, what a unique and visual level of perspective, two arts concepts together, temple architecture and photography. Thanks for sharing!
Angkor Wat, an extraordinary work of architecture. I am happy to be there. Thank you.
i think these building and tomb are 200 year older. by the way amazing stockimages