Hive Stock Images | Jigsaw Puzzles: Brain Teaser, Putting Pieces Together, Completing The Image, Seeing The Full/Bigger Picture

in Stock Images3 years ago (edited)

Hi folks,

Here are 7 images of jigsaw puzzles. Although there is only one jigsaw puzzle depicted, the images could be used for such abstract concepts as putting the pieces together or seeing the full/bigger picture and suchlike.

I had also wanted to contribute to the effort to get the alphabetic list of images for the Hive Stock Images Library completed. This is my contribution to the letter 'J'.

7 Images of Jigsaw Puzzles:








Usage Notes:

I don't require to be credited for use of my images, feel free to publicise #hivestockimages instead... or else follow their suggestions and guidelines.

Previous Hive Stock Images posts by me:

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All images @barge | Thanks for visiting 🙏