Without realizing the time continues to change, morning goes to replace day and night comes. The change that we must go through before death picks up a faithful servant. Towards the morning when the morning sun rises to illuminate the beloved earth is something that is always awaited. Hoping that the rising of the morning sun will be a good start for everyone to pick up sustenance. Optimism, of course, must always be in our minds like the sun that always shines faithfully on the earth. Every sunrise in the morning gives us one more day to hope to get what we want.
It's a sunny Saturday morning this weekend, Alhamdulillah, I'm grateful that Allah SWT still gives me the opportunity and health to enjoy the sunrise. Not every time I can enjoy an atmosphere like this, because of busy work from morning to evening. I captured the sunrise this morning in the Pusong Reservoir tourist area, Lhokseumawe City using a Samsung Galaxy A12 camera. Here are some moments that I captured and I share with friends.
I don't really see any demand for images like this, but if you're going to submit landscape photos, you should make sure the horizon is level as it's the first thing your eye is drawn to.
Pak fadli, khusus bak komunitas stock images harus boh tag bak badan postingan.
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