The purpose of the Stock Images community is to bring the option for using stock images into the Hive community, where we can easily reward and support the creators of these images. Instead of using outside sources you can tag, credit and reward your fellow Hivians for their talented work of art right here on the blockchain.
It is my pleasure to present to you the following highlighted Hive Stock Image posts. They were submitted via the Stock Images Community
or by using the #hivestockimages tag:

These diecast mini truck images were cleverly taken. The added bamboo to the trunk adds on a more realistic feel to these. The background scenery was well suited.

As an author I desire to use clean and clear images in my blog posts. This contribution of working tools meets those standards. I appreciate how @freepix supplies multiple edited images to give authors a variety of choice.

This fun contribution was full of emojis and illusions all made with eggs. If you’re looking for some interesting egg scenes you’ll definitely want to give this post a view.
We hope you find these highlights useful in helping you find stock images for your upcoming posts. Please make sure to read the specific terms of use for each creator that can be found directly in their posts. Let’s support our Hive artists and photographers :)
Please don’t forget about our current Stock Images and Ideas Challenge! This week’s topics are Fire and A City Scene. There is Hive to be won so please click the link for more details!
Do you want to start contributing to the Hive Stock Index? Please first read About Stock Images.
Are you looking for specific stock images to use? Please view the Stock Images Main index where you can search by alphabetical order genre. This will be updated periodically as more images are added. We also now have a search feature, which is being improved as we go, so please feel free to give feedback on it.
If you use any Hive Stock Images in your post, don't forget to credit the owner and use the tag #freeimageshare, so we can find it and thank you for your support of our image contributors. We particularly love to see contributors supported with a beneficiary or tip, even if they don't ask for one.
We have a discord server for feedback, questions and suggestions.
Many thanks to @sitaru for the Hive bee image we use, @doze for the footer and also @thepeakstudio for the divider. They each will receive beneficiaries along with the authors highlighted in this post.
Curation today was brought to you by @crosheille.

Thank you very much again!
Love to see that the community is growing!
Whoa, I'm delighted my diecast is now one of the featured images here. Thank you so much, @crosheille and @minismallholding 🙂
Thanks just sits with crosheille here, as I haven't been able to get on much recently. I'm grateful to her for catching all these great submissions.
I get what you mean, and that is very appreciated. I hope you stay safe and healthy, Sir. :)