Hello friends, beautiful people and not so beautiful too. Happy week of productivity and good vibes.
More than a week ago I uploaded here in the community, a post of 5 photos of two coffee cups, giving it a night style with the shadows. I really liked it, not because it was mine, but because it really took a lot of work and I loved the result. And apparently, so do a lot of people. If you are interested you can enter this link: Coffee Cups! | Hive Stock Images
Today I decided to take some pictures of two big cups of coffee, this time different from the previous ones and even ''darker'' images. Playing with perspectives and angles, I was able to capture these images and this was the result.
Remember that these images are free to use, within HIVE and outside as well, as long as the corresponding source is cited. (Administrative regulations on the use of Stock Images). Also if you are looking for other types of images you can enter the Stock Images Main index.
Enjoy it!

Are you looking for specific stock images to use? Please view the Stock Images Main index where you can search by genre. This will be updated periodically as more images are added. If you use any Hive Stock Images in your post, don't forget to credit the owner and use the tag #freeimageshare, so we can find it and thank you for your support of our image contributors.

Come say hi via Lotus Chat or drop by our community - we'd love to welcome you!

Queremos invitarlos a la primera de muchas iniciativas que haremos en nuestra comunidad Holos & Lotus orientadas a encontrar y/o mantener ese camino hacia la armonía, equilibrio y plenitud. Proponemos en esta Iniciativa " Pintando Mi Mándala del Bienestar" que te animes a emplear esta herramienta para expresar tus emociones dejando fluir libremente tu creatividad en el coloreado de tu mándala.
¡No importa si no sabes dibujar! Solo tienes que dar click a la imagen o ESTE ENLACE para más información.