Wild grass flower photography.

in Stock Images4 years ago


Grass is one type of plant that grows wild and thrives without care because they are close to nature, this is the advantage that weeds have and some weeds have beautiful flowers with such beautiful colors.

Rumput merupakan salah satu jenis tumbuhan yang tumbuh liar dan tumbuh subur tanpa perawatan karena dekat dengan alam, inilah kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh ilalang dan beberapa ilalang memiliki bunga yang indah dengan warna yang begitu indah.

Like this one weed, the weeds have very beautiful flowers and the shape of the petal arrangement looks very unique with the flower color arrangement is very attractive.

Seperti lalang yang satu ini, ilalang memiliki bunga yang sangat indah dan bentuk susunan kelopaknya terlihat sangat unik dengan susunan warna bunga yang sangat menarik.

I got some pictures of weed flowers around my backyard in the morning and below I have prepared some macrophotography pictures of very beautiful wildflowers.

Saya mendapatkan beberapa gambar bunga gulma di sekitar halaman belakang rumah saya di pagi hari dan di bawah ini saya telah menyiapkan beberapa gambar makrofotografi bunga liar yang sangat indah.










Thank you for visiting the page macrophotography smartphone @raimah .

CameraSmarphone + macro lens
EditingSnapseed app

I think this is one of the prettiest flowers I’ve ever seen growing from weeds. I’ve found that some wild flowers around our garden make it look very attractive so we let them grow :)

Thanks for sharing these ~

Maybe you can try the wild flowers that grow around the garden for you to cultivate, if the flowers do look so beautiful.

Maybe so ;)

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