Cryptocurrency and Coffee - Free Stock Images

in Stock Images2 years ago (edited)

Inspired by the prolific author @cryptoandcoffee, I wanted to create a series of Creative Commons Images for those who appreciate two finer things: #Crypto and #Coffee. After raiding my cupboards for #coffeebeans, I decided that the roast needed to be darker; fortunately, there was a lot of cheap dark roast coffee around.

I had to research some more licencing as I got some more coins shipped to me, so for reference:

Finally, it was showtime, so I got my trusty Sony A6600 and a handful of photography light, mixed it all, and this is what we get!

With these two #Bitcoin photos, I wanted to capture a cinematic look with the blue and orange. And then try and highlight the golden tones with the green light.

Bitcoin in Coffee Blue

Bitcoin in Coffee Green

The #ETH #coin I have is very reflective, so I used the overhead light to highlight it in red and contrast it with the photography. I like how the last two came out when I accidentally knocked the bowl and managed to reflect the light straight into the lens.

Ethereum in Coffee Blue

Ethereum in Coffee Blue/Red

Ethereum in Coffee Bright-Red

Ethereum in Coffee Bright-Red

Finally, with #Litecoin, I returned to the more cinematic #amber and #cyan to highlight the lines on the #LTC coin. The final photo was a happy accident as I knocked the light red, and it looked pretty lovely despite having a red overhead light on.

Litecoin in Coffee

Litecoin in Coffee bathed in red

All of these photos are taken by me on my Sony A6600 using a Sigma 50mm f1.4 Lens.

I am licencing these under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 International; if you are inclined to thank me, add me as a beneficiary to your post when you use them, I would be hugely grateful.

If you have ideas for shots you want to use in your posts, ping me in the comments, and I will see what I can do!



Continued thanks, for your awesome images, and positive vibes. with the greatest of respect... I am going to give a shout-out to @millycf1976 and her Cinnamon Cup Coffee Community. Just seemed fitting... and my usual #buildingpositivebridges mantra!

@tipu curate

Thanks for the shout-out. Those were some awesome images :)))


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You are most welcome!! When I think of coffee, I think of many things. One, of course, is our dear witness c0ff33a. Then of course... drinking some!! But you are also in that "thought cloud"... So I felt it would be awesome to give you a shout-out!!

I appreciate it very much @wesphilbin!
Whenever I think of anything "thoughtful" I always think of you too...

you are also in that "thought cloud"

I like that:)))

Thank you, and I hope that you are doing well healthwise and in general.

Have a lovely day!

Thank you for your attention and kind words :)

Nicely done Richard. I like the color effects to bring out the details. A great "blend" of photography, crypto and coffee - perhaps it's a Crypto Roast?

Nice camera, but I am curious about the light source specifics. Gelled flash mono heads?

Thanks for your comment, I use Small Rig LED panels, as they have a decent battery and you can control the colour modes between CCT White and RGB.

Some excellent images again, thank you.

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Realmente unas fotos únicas, te felicito ,como lo has hecho? Que software usaste ,que cámara, seré tu aprendiz jajaaj

Lo siento, mi español no es bueno.

Gracias tu español esta perfecto ,gracias por darme los datos necesarios para tener una buena imagen de calidad

Nice! These can be helpful!

Another set of great shots. Thanks for releasing them under the Creative Common license.

Much love, brother. 💙

Thanks for the kind words and attention. Much love back to you, my friend.

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Thank you!

Done. Thanks for all of your work @arcange !

Thank you for your support @richardslater, really appreciate it! 👍

Thank you so much for your support of my @v4vapp proposals in the past, my previous one expired this week.

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