Hi gang! I thought I'd add some photos of a pen and a couple of journals for use. I didn't crop these to get rid of my table edges / the odd bit of my leg that got into these, as I thought it might be best if you folks can edit these however you'd like. If that doesn't seem helpful or you have tips on how you'd prefer these to be done, just let me know and I'd be happy to do it!
If you'd like to credit me when you use them please do so! I'd love to see how they're used. You can tip/set beneficiary if you want but it is absolutely not required. Do whatever you want to any of the images I post in this community!

Oooh, nice. I like the grimoire style of the pen and wrapped book.
Thanks! The pen was one I purchased from a friend in the U.S. and the journal was a gift from my wife for father's day. They are both super awesome!