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RE: Error

in Stock Images4 years ago


  1. No plagiarism!
  2. No NSFW images!
  3. Be honest about your content, if we can't trust, you will be muted in the community.

These are the Rules of the community. I doesn't broke Match any of the Rules. there is no rules on posting that you can post only single post or double post। a day. Also there is no clear rules about picture quality, not everyone have the same facilities like high-tech gadgets and smartphones, everyone here is struggling and I'm the one. I'm learning to make my photo quality better and better, it can't change in a single day, it's a long journey for me reaching at this level. I'm aware of consequences, I know what is Right and what's wring. I doesn't spam because there is no specific guidelines about how many post you can did in a single day and I had just posted 2 posts in single day in Stock Images community. And I support the conscience but it is curator's self-choice that whom he want to vote or whom not, it's upto him. We have total 7 day time in in which we can get the upvotes, so because of this anyone can prioritise their choice of voting, it's obviously a self-choice, I NEVER force anyone because it is against their will. I just always request peoples to support me. And seek advice to others for making me more better. And taking every work deep in my mind so that I can made a better experience version of mine. If my blog have some worth then only people upvote otherwise not. I doesn't do any kind of spam. And lastly I saw many people's।from different countries supporting eachother. But I never saw much people from my own country doing supporting instead of this I saw them to get jealous, I never get why are they so mean? Why they don't see someone progressing? What's their problem? Why don't they see eachother as a family and UNITED together. I doesn't say anything to people who keep supporting eachother , I know some and I RESPECT them but just say this for those peoples who are Hating from the Progress of others. Here, I don't point out anyone for anything, I just put my free thoughts and I think this is a Platform for Free Thinkers so I shared my conscience. I'm still saying sorry to anyone who is listening and if I hurts someone. I doesn't bear this. I just want to say the TRUTH clearly and Loudly. Hope, you understand. Thanks for patiently reading my statement. 🙏