Collaging as therapy

in Stock Images3 years ago

Good evening. Very interesting idea to offer images to use and reward authors. I wanted I make a collage and searched through the inventory out of curiosity and there are so many unique and good quality ones.

So I created this collage which is about following your dreams, no matter what they are and how big.


I found these 2 to use from @shoot and @lifeskills-tv very spectacular

Column 1Column 2

And free from Pixabay: basketball


That's really clever. Do you know that there is a community for this type of thing, called Let’s Make a Collage? I think this would be a better fit there. This is the link if you use Peakd as you front-end:

You've used the #freeimageshare tag correctly here and thank you for crediting our creators. Only use #hivestockimages and post in the community if you're sharing images you're created for use as stock images. Read our welcome post for more information on the community:

Ok, I'm sorry for the confusion 😬 I have found the community. Thank you for the recommendation. I have some images I'll add to the community later.