Strategies for training a godly child

in Kidz Community7 months ago

Greetings everyone and I'm excited to host you on my blog this moment. The month of July is gradually wrapping up and I give God the glory for all He's been doing. Today I want to share on something significant that could help in raising other fellow children in a godly way. Let's take the scriptural reading this;

New King James Version
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

A lot of things have been about children and many times the society tends to blame them for everything. I want to share about the role of parents too in their children's upbringing.

If a child is not trained how would such a child be productive and godly? Tender training does a lot of significant effect on children. The degree to which you want the child to abide and never depart from godly norms is determined by the kind of training the child receives.

how can a child be trained?

  • The word of God is the major thing required for total transformation of a child. The word of God has the capacity to build and correct. The word of God is essential to every believer hence it mustn't be taken likely.
  • Another way to train a child is through prayers. Parents should learn how to pray for their wards everyday. The word of God plus prayer builds a child in such a way he won't depart from the godly virtues.
  • Another strategy again is discipline. You can use rod to chastised a child when wrong is committed.

My prayer is that God will help us to train godly children.