I'm a Speed Crawling Maniac!

Watch me go!

Lately I've really been getting the hang of this speed crawling thing. I don't like to crawl on my hands and knees, but rather I low crawl like a soldier but at breakneck speeds. Don't turn away, or I will fly right past you.

Very determined to get where I'm going.

Daddy has been taking me down to the beach every other day or so. He thought that I wouldn't be able to move quickly through the sand, but of course he was wrong. Sure, I can move much faster in the grass, but the sand really doesn't slow me down as much as you'd expect.

Really loving my tunnel!

With my newfound freedom of movement, I've also really been enjoying my new tunnel with balls in it. The only problem is, I keep getting wrapped up in it. That seriously angers me, and I scream at the top of my lungs. Luckily there is always someone nearby to rescue me. But I sure give them an earful in the meantime!


He is secretely building arm muscles beware hahaha. His blue hat is so cute!

Yeah, he is so strong. It's ridiculous!

 3 years ago  

He is so strong and he is very big! The video was so cute! I would love to be in that tunnel thing, but I am too big. Well at least I can watch the little thing being cute in there! Nice post!