Hello kids!!
I haven't written a post since I had been awarded with kidz community badge, so allow me to introduce myself to your community!
I am 32 years old, mother to 4 kids and I like creating things and spending valuable time with my family!
Well, during Quarantine I was creating and doing along with my kids a variety of activities!!
But, there were some times that I had run out of ideas and I didn't know what to do with my kids!!
WHEN... suddenly I realised what I have to do!!
As you see, I gave my kids liquid paints for their hands and...
We all painted our hands
And as you can see each finger with a different colour!
And after that, we placed our hands to the papers!!!
But not only that!!
We printed various coloring Page and we drew them
We printed papers with dots and we drew the images!
We drew whatever was on our mind (everyone, mommy and daddy, and the kids except our Baby)
And then... We exhibited them onto our carpet!!!
It was such a great excitement by doing simple and ordinary things as a family!
Our motto: "Keep it simple and create with your kids!"
So, how do you think? Send me your comments and show me your love!!!
I am a big fan of arts and crafts, so I think this will work out for me! Good luck getting all of that paint off of those fingers. ;)