Today marks day one of a 34 Days of Light activation I'm participating in with a collective. This is a month+ long spiritual practice that is predicated on the celestial significance of this 34 day time and space. Time, because of the obvious, the dates; but space because of where the Earth is located in the cosmos.
To give some context, most people assume that the Holy Days (holidays) are based on past events that have taken place here on Earth, when in fact they were created in alignment with celestial events. You will also find that this season is filled with varying holidays and festivals from different cultures, denominations, etc. Whether you believe in them or not, the disciplines of astrology and astronomy are an integral part of our existence.
Its important to understand that these different cosmic alignments create intense variations of light being projected towards our planet from the "upper realms". We are taking this time to clean house in mind, body, and spirit, in order to be more receptive to these energies and to start the new year on a high note. Fun fact, there is indeed a "radio signal" being emitted from our galactic center.
Based on these findings of science and spirit, here are a few things we are collectively committing to on this journey:
- A minimum of two, 3-day fast (Dec. 8th - Dec. 10th & Jan. 6th - Jan. 8th)
- Following the Muslim custom of 5 prayers a day, regardless of your denomination
- Journaling
So let's discuss what's actually happening up there. Here is the timeline:
Days of Power: December 8th - 28th
December 18th - The Sun is in alignment with the direct center, or the "black hole" of the Milky Way galaxy from our viewpoint on Earth. The ten days leading up to the alignment (Dec. 8th, Day 1) through the ten days after (Dec. 28th) are when the signal is the strongest. This is called a "conjunction".
We commence the journey with a 3-day, liquid only fast so for the next 3 days I'm on juices, teas, and smoothies (clean body).

Winter Solstice
December 21st - Within the "Days of Power" is also December 21st, which marks the winter solstice. This is the shortest day/longest night of the year because the Earth's tilt is furthest away from the Sun in the north hemisphere.

Earth & Sirius Alignment: 12/21 - 1/10
December 31st, January 1st - The Earth comes in direct alignment with the Dog Star Sirius. Don't think it's a coincidence that Sirius is at its highest point in our sky every New Year.
January 4th- On this day the Earth is closest to the Sun. The opposite of this is the aphelion.
From the organizer, @nobleanpu
The Days of Light is a time where a tremendous influx of radio waves are coming to the planet and thus we can receive this revelation if we raise our antennas.
I will be making updates along the way and sharing key moments of my experience.
Peace & Light ✨
Posted Using InLeo Alpha