The Clock is Ticking

in The Dull Club4 months ago

One thing we bought in Rome last summer was this awesome little handmade pendulum clock. A touristy thing for sure, but it was handmade, nonetheless - a great little souvenir.

It turns out I appreciate it more than I expected.

It's in the hall outside the bedroom, within eyeshot of my side of the bed:


The sound of that tick-tick-ticking is wondrously relaxing.

If you're curious about the rest of the photo:

The picture next to is is an anniversary gift I got for the wife, it's a custom image by a Californian artist with 6 images depicting our journey together from the moment we met to marriage.

On the floor, that yellow thing, is 'The Waiting Pillow', where my cat, Smash, waits until we come out of the bedroom on many days. We have the gate there to keep 'em out when sleeping because they're talkative AF and the wife is partly allergic.