The theory under study, ejaculatory activity-prostate cancer, is based on the fact that it releases accumulated prostatic fluid, the retention of which could have "carcinogenic" effects (under study)
The conditions would be given for males and females approximately between 13 and 14 years
Wao! It's too soon.
I thought it took longer to mature.
Thanks for replying...
It is an average, and will also depend on particular factors. Nowadays, adolescents start sexual activity at an earlier age, hence the high frequency of unwanted pregnancies in adolescents, as it happens in my country Venezuela.
It was a pleasure, we are in contact.
Si, si. Descubrí que eras venezolana.
Y no es casual que te haya preguntado eso, pues el objetivo es tocar el tema en un programa de radio con motivo de contribuir a la educación sexual y establecer los riesgos y responsabilidades que conlleva tener relaciones sexuales y lo complicado de iniciar a temprana edad.
Pues, quizá tengas datos estadísticos, y aprovecho para preguntarte si ese factor, de precocidad sexual, está directamente relacionado con el cáncer a nivel genital femenino a temprana edad (-40 años).
Yes, yes. I found out you were Venezuelan.
And it is not by chance that I asked you that question, since the objective is to touch on the subject in a radio program to contribute to sex education and to establish the risks and responsibilities involved in having sex and how complicated it is to start at an early age.
Well, perhaps you have statistical data, and I would like to take this opportunity to ask you if this factor of sexual precocity is directly related to female genital cancer at an early age (-40 years old).
Excelente 👋 😊 🇻🇪 "paisano", ya te envío material informativo. Quizás pueda serte de apoyo referencial.
Educación de la sexualidad y salud sexual y reproductiva.Fondo de Población de Naciones Unidas, Venezuela. 2010
Comportamientos sexuales riesgosos y factores asociados entre estudiantes universitarios en Barranquilla, Colombia, 2019. Badillo-Viloria y cols.
Estamos para servirte, cualquier cosa envía un mensaje y ahí estaré. Ten presente que debes referenciar siempre de donde obtienes la información (fuente).
Éxitos en tu actividad 👏 🙌 ✨
Ciertamente. Gracias por ser linda y recordármelo.
Gracias, de verdad gracias.
Está interesante el material.
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