Hehe...now we speaking the same language.
Na you gan gan wey sabi road I wan follow. And other person is a counterfeit.
Oh, and I am curious, is it super cold in Abuja there?
Hehe...now we speaking the same language.
Na you gan gan wey sabi road I wan follow. And other person is a counterfeit.
Oh, and I am curious, is it super cold in Abuja there?
Hehehehe... Just leave me alone o
Gosh... I am freezing right now 🥺🥶
Every morning, I have to wake up and kit up 🥶
I doubt that can happen; leaving you alone. I say you have enter one chance.
I figured that it should be super cold over there. Suprisingly, it isn't cold this morning. I am not in Abk at the moment, actually. It's much cooler in Abeokuta.
You really don't want to "not kit up" if you'd like to remain human.😂
What if I am an alien 😂
Omo, I am dead 🙆
In the past, I always wish for a cold weather because of the heat. Now, I don't want it anymore 😭😭
Hmmmm...looking back on your superhuman track record of being goal-oriented and determined, I might as well just consider that thought; not many humans can do that.
Oh yes, you are stuck with me like this. There's no looking back...hehe.
See you...you are not even strong. Is this how you will be doing like ant when we get to the abroad?
Haha 😂😂😂😂.... Oh my goodness 😂😂😂😂
Yes oooo.... This is how she'll disgrace you 😅🤣
This man, please, don't start today, I am begging you 🥺🤲
Well it's okay anyway, since you prefer to stay back and become a billionaire tycoon.
Okay, I will not start today...because you begged me.😎
Don't let me bug you much today. But before then, what do have planned today, other than Pepsi?