This was an interesting and creative post. Choosing our own stone intrigued me despite my non-involvement in 'these sorts of things.' lol
I chose the Selenite. I'm not sure I understand the whole concept here, but it piques my interest. The stones are pretty cool and the card decks are different from the Tarot style decks I've seen around previously.
Thanks for sharing this creative post. It gave me a few things to think about.
The idea is basically, if there is a message that the Universe or your spirit guides or however you might think of it, want you to hear, you'll be drawn to the right set. Since stones have their own meanings, they are often included, and often what people are really drawn to when choosing since you can't really see the cards yet.
I think of "these sorts of things" as rather a meditative practice, because in trying to interpret the cards to whatever circumstances you have going on in your life, you might think in different ways and see things from different angles, and so even for people who don't vibe with the spiritual aspect, it can still be a useful tool, I think. :) Kinda like bouncing ideas off a friend or talking it out with a partner.
Thanks for stopping by!