The Celtic Tree Signs in March:
Feb 18 to Mar 17 – Ash Tree Month
Mar 18 to Apr 14 – Alder Tree Month
Mar 21 – Vernal Equinox – Gorse Tree Day
March/Lenting 1
1: Matronalia – the Festival of Women
1: New Year’s Day in the old Roman calendar.
1: Mother March
1: Feriae Marti – Festival of Mars
1 thru 9: Navajo Sing – Festival in which fields are blessed in preparation for planting.
March/Lenting 3
is Aegir’s Day, this has also been referred to as the Celtic Sea Festival. The Pagan Book of Hours has a day for Aegir and Ran listed as July 25.
Ægir or Aegir is a Norse sea jötunn, a mythological giant (sometimes called a Frost Giant) and God of the sea. He’s also the brewer to the Gods of Asgard. Aegir is also a God of brewing known for the beer he brewed in an enormous cauldron stolen from the giants by Thor and Loki.
He hosted elaborate parties, providing home-brewed ale in enormous pots. His mugs would magically refill themselves with more ale.
Married to the goddess Ran, they have nine daughters who each personify different kinds of waves.
Petitioning Aegir
Aegir is the presiding spirit of the ocean. He may also be understood as actually being the ocean. This ancient deity is beloved but feared. Petition him for safety on the seas and to reveal the secrets of the deep. Aegir knows everything. He is a well of knowledge and can theoretically fill any request or recruit another deity who can.
Petitions should always be accompanied with offerings. An altar may be built for him, or offerings may be brought to the sea. Be generous. He’s a king.
Give him objects reminiscent of the sea. Give him fine old coins – sailors once carried them so that in case they drowned, they wouldn’t arrive at Aegir’s hall empty handed. Serve him mead and ale, acknowledging that you know it’s nowhere near as good as what he serves at home.
March/Lenting 8
Birthday of Mother Earth
Celebrate Artemis’ Birthday on the March Crescent Moon
March/Lenting 9,
Like every 9th of a month we celebrate #Odinworldprayerday
Odin World Prayer Day
Day of Remembrance for Oliver the Martyr:
He was an adherent of Asatru who persisted in organizing underground sacrifices to the Gods and Goddesses despite decrees by St Olaf the Lawbreaker forbidding such activities. Betrayed by an informer, he was killed by Olafs men while preparing for the Spring sacrifice in the village of Maerin Norway. Many other men whose names are lost to us were also killed, mutilated, or exiled for taking part in such sacrifices.
March/Lenting 12
Night of Hekate Suppers (Wicca)
Marduks Feast Day
March/Lenting 16
16 thru 17: Bacchanalia – The festival of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine
March/Lenting 20,
High Feast of Ostara: This is the Spring Equinox. The end of Winter and the beginning of the season of rebirth. Today we honor Frigga, Freya and Nerthus with blot and feast. Pour a libation of mead onto the Earth; celebrate the rebirth of nature, Asatru, and the new hopes of our Folk.
Méan Earraigh – Vernal Equinox
Mabon (Southern Hemisphere)
Spring Equinox celebrates the renewed life of the Earth that comes with the Spring. It is a solar festival, celebrated when the length of the day and the night are equal (this happens twice a year, at Spring and Autumn equinox). The turn in the seasons was celebrated by the Celts with various festivities. The festival is known as Ostara by some Pagans, after the Teutonic goddess Eostre or Ostra.
Today, Pagans continue to celebrate the coming of Spring. They attribute the changes that are going on in the world to an increase in the powers of their God and Goddess (the personifications of the great force that is at work in the world). At the time of Spring Equinox the God and the Goddess are often portrayed as The Green Man and Mother Earth. The Green Man is said to be born of Mother Earth in the depths of winter and to live through the rest of the year until he dies at Samhain.
March/Lenting 28,
Ragnar Lodbrok Day:
Ragnar was one of the legends most famous Vikings. On this day in Runic Year 1145 he raided Paris. It just happened to be Easter Sunday. Today toast Ragnar and read from his Saga.
March/Lenting Walking meditation
Practicing this technique during the Ash Moon will free your mind from stress and attract solutions to your problems. You will need a smudge stick, a bunch of herbs – usually white sage – that is used to ‘smudge’ or cleanse an area with smoke.
Light a smudge stick, then take time to relax and breathe deeply. Direct the smoke around your body, taking time to cleanse your aura, and say,
“Spirit I walk this journey and invite you to join me.
May each step be sacred.”
Set out on a walk that takes you through nature. Everything on your journey has a message for you, so relax and enjoy it.
On your return write down any animals you encountered and unusual sights or flashes of inspiration you received.
Ash/Yggdrasil the Enchanter
In ancient Europe, Ash trees were enormous, towering high above the landscape with a thick trunk and deep roots. The Celts interpreted three distinct things from this tree, expansion, growth, and higher perspective. The incredibly complex root system also symbolized remaining grounded despite how much growth was taking place in one’s life.
This belief was perfectly aligned with the esoteric message of the ash. The Druids and the Norse peoples believed all the realms were connected via branches of a giant mystical ash tree known as Yggdrasil.
Free thinkers are born under the Ash Celtic tree astrology sign. They possess vivid imagination, intuition and their second nature is to be artists. They can see the world crystal clear, but have the tendency to be moody and withdrawn at times. Don’t think that they have some sort of a bipolar disorder. It’s all due to the fact that their inner world is constantly moving and changing.
These enchanters from the Ash sign are drawn towards art, writing, spiritual matters, and even science. Good partners for this Celtic tree astrology sign are the Willow and Reed signs.