When rewarding.app isn't working...

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

When rewarding.app isn't working...png

There is a great application on Hive called hive.vote that allows you to automate a part or the total of your voting activity on Hive. It's great when you don't have time to curate things manually. Hive.vote is a very useful app but it has some deficiencies. For example, it's not possible to vote according to tags. Especially when you want to vote on tribe posts to use your tribe voting power you need to be able to vote on tags.

Rewarding.app a great solution to improve your curation rewards for hive-engine tribes

There is another app developed by @holger80 called rewarding.app. It's a bit difficult to understand how it works at first but it allows a lot of detailed settings and above all you can define on which tags you want to give your votes.

A great way to automatize tribe curation is to create a specialized account and let it vote only on posts carrying the correct tag. This is what a lot of hive users have been doing and it's great as long as rewarding.app is working.

For a couple of days, the app doesn't vote anymore and a lot of hive users have a smaller or bigger problem. For my different projects, I have been using this app regularly and since it stopped working, I see a lot of my accounts stuck at 100% voting power. Of course manual voting is an alternative but when like me you manage 25 accounts, it gets a bit tricky to do that and I can't spend my whole day voting on posts manually.

How to use hive.vote to vote on hive-engine tribes

The problem with hive.vote as I said earlier is that you can't select the tags that you want to vote on. That means that a lot of voting power will be lost because the account will vote on post that don't carry the correct tag.

Let's say you want to vote on Leo posts, you follow people that regularly use the leofinance tag in their posts. However, on the posts where they don't use this tag, you will loose your voting power. It's almost impossible to predict how often people use the tag and when they use it.

How to solve this problem

I found a kind of solution for that. It's not perfect put it can help.

  • Step 1: Add a big fanbase on hive.vote of people that regularly use the tag in question
  • Step 2: make sure that your account votes with only 1 to 20% voting power in settings according to the hive power that you have on your account. The smaller the votes you want to give, the more hive power you will need.
  • Step 3: use the vote weight multiplier in Leodex and set it somewhere from 2 to 99.

What will be the result of that?

Your account will vote many times. If you use only 10% voting power, it will vote 100 times per day without going down in voting power. The chances that you „hit“ posts with the leofinance tag are much higher than if you voted only 10 times. If now you set the vote weight multiplier to 10. Each time you „hit“ a post with the leofinance tag, you will give a 10% hive vote but a 100% leo upvote. This means that without running out of hive voting power you will be able to to give ten 100% upvotes in leo which should be your objective.

Necessecity to correct the vote weight multiplier

This is not precise science at all because you will maybe hit one day 10 posts with the correct tag and another day 50 posts. By adapting regularly the vote weight multiplier you can fine tune this over time.

It's by far not a perfect solution but it's something that can work when rewarding.app is down.


Let's connect ! You can find me on these platforms:


Great post i will definitly look into app

Thanks for stopping by!

Nice information but still confusing like new born baby in this platform like me.i will try it,I hope I can download this app you are calling online here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is not something that you need to get into as a beginner. This is rather for people who own several accounts and can't curate all by themselves manually. Thanks for stopping by!

Thanks for clarification

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had heard of Hive.vote but not rewarding.app I like to manually upvote post and then place a comment if appropriate but it does take time. I think my account is small enough that I can continue doing it this way. I may need to revisit once my account grows to big to always use my voting power. Thanks for sharing.

You are totally right about that. As long as you have only one account, manual upvoting is way better than automated voting. If you have several projects running, then it can be very handy however.

i had such a hard time wrapping my brain around the idea of the vote multiplier, and this solved it. great information and resources as always, thanks!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

It's definitely not the most stright forward thing lol. Once you get the principle, it can be quite helpful.

One of the biggest problems of Hive.Vote is that we don't have a facility to do tag-based voting. If that is available there, it would be awesome. I have already asked Mahadyari a couple of times but no luck yet. Right now I have my own bot doing the task for me.

Your own bot?
That's lovely. Please do make it public and possibly tag me when it's out.
Thanks so much

Yeah, I will try to make it public soon. I don't know if I will remember to tag you when I launch it but you can check @kanibot and follow that account for the updates. If this goes live, it will be part of the Kani bot only.

You are lucky to be able to create your own bots :-). When you depend on such apps like rewarding.app, it can be quite problematic when they stop working...

I'll try to make a public version of that.

That would be amazing!

I use hive.vote for my auto-voting and I haven't really bothered with rewarding app. Though I only have it toggled on when I am above 96% VP and I should probably add more accounts to that list because I have come back late at night to see my VP stuck at 100% a few times already.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a very good use for hive.vote. The votes are only triggered when voting power is not used. Just you need to make sure that you have enough accounts in the fanbase :-)

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

I have been using rewarding. App for months now, since last year though. The way it stopped working and the owner didn't say any bing astound me, it's the best voting matching on Hive platform.

I guess I'll have to try this your way out soon.

It's a bit sad to see what happens to rewarding.app. It's also my favourite voting app but at the moment it simply doesn't work. It's a bit disapointing when taking into consideration that a witness is running the app.