What's the good word D.Buzz fam!
You know that one friend who just knows how to make you feel better no matter what?
When you’re down, they know just what to say... When you’re tired, they seem to know the perfect recipe for a late-night Netflix binge. This is what we think the true power of friendship is.
Supporting someone else helps you grow more.
It’s true!
When you’re down, they help you get back up. When you’re tired, they help you get inspired. When you’re at a crossroads, having someone listening helps you find your way. When you share your life with someone else, you see it from different perspectives.
D.Buzz is community of friends (for the most part) here for you. A community of people that listen to you, that are interested in what you have to say, perhaps take full advantage of this and make new friend(s) today, your future self will be happy you did. :)
This week some amazing friends here on D.Buzz, posted, as always, great content.
Like our good bud @felixgarciap posting some great plant photos, and the extraordinary @tanajayson, revealing a new painting that is colorful. Friends such as @ciremc who posted some excellent information, and even @kelvinbolivar, who must be kind because they love their mom! Moreover, people such as @rmach keeping people motivated and, @yourtedi keeping people inspired to travel! All of these authors and more would make excellent friends. At least we think so... :D
Whether an author or reader remember, you don't have to be a superhero to make a difference in someone else's life. Sometimes just being receptive to a new friendship or asking someone to be your friend is a superhero act unto itself.
Enjoy your weekend everybody!

Looking for inspiration?
You can also jump in on the 30-day Buzzing challenge.
Start today and see where it takes you. ;)
- 30-Day Challenge Level I : https://peakd.com/hive-114105/@dbuzz/30-day-challenge-by-dbuzz
- 30-Day Challenge Level II : https://peakd.com/hive-119826/@dbuzz/30-day-challange--level--ii--lets-do-it-again
What did you discover this week that you really liked? Let us know in the comments below!
And as always, Keep on Buzzing!

Week #26 (Starting | 04/30/2021)

Week #26 (Starting | 04/30/2021)
Congratulations all of you, your content and imagery inspires us to post more. Keep being amazing!
- What do you think, do you like the way this program is going?
- How can we improve it?
Want to Sponsor a week of Rewards?
You seem like a cool kid. Would you like to sponsor a weeks worth of D.Buzz rewards? If so reach out to us on discord (https://discord.gg/qjpD4nY8) and let us know.
In exchange for being a sponsor, we would thank you in each of the reward posts, i.e. "This reward is brought to you by X", and thank you in our weekly summary.
How do you earn a On-The-Spot Reward?
- Quite simple, post quality content on D.Buzz. :D
As always thanks for reading and being part of our ever-growing community. D.Buzz is a platform for you, for the community.
- Keep being amazing!
Over and out.
- D.Buzz
D.Buzz is ...
Is a censorship-resistant short form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or less.
Censorship resistant and built for the community with love.
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We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi, who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.