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RE: The CTP Update - The ClickTrackProfit Team Is Growing!

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

First up A HUGE Congratulations to @elianaicgomes on your promotion with in CTP a more worthy person I could not have thought of. If it had been any other I would have something more to say and I would have been heard. Well done @jongolson & @blainjones on a very wise decision. A warning to those that think @elianaicgomes is a pushover you had better have a drastic rethink offend or upset her and you will have me as your new best enemy and no one wants that.


This Post comes with the Rob P. Cruisin Seal of Approval


Thank you so so much for your comment Rob!
It means a lot!
Hope I won't need any of your assistance or I will feel sorry for them ahahaha

Couldn't think of a better representation of what CTP stands for :)