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RE: CTP Chat For May 28th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

I pushed myself this week by adding to my tasks list all of the items that I should be doing. This also caused me to learn a lot about my time management and task prioritization. These are from items brought up during the nightly broadcast and also from the daily chats. The list now looks very intimidating because it has grown so big so quickly. I need to block out some time and prioritize the items and how they fit into my long term goals. A lot of the items I have been busy doing were more short term for the quick hits or low hanging fruit. I need to make sure I also make progress on my mid and long-term items which do not have a near term deadline. I probably should try to break these down into shorter term goals which make progress toward the longer term ones.


That is true quick goals low-hanging fruit is quite the temptation. Weeks ago in a zoom meeting, Blain was telling me that people log into CTP daily just to fill the squares on the calendar on the front page. Falling into the quick reward trap causes us to lose sight of our mid and long term goals setting ourselves up for failure.

Keep pushing. I really enjoy following your journey. It helps to know I am not the only one trying to make sense of all of this.