#Listbuilding - LeadsLeap Autoresponder Overview - Plus #2020vision Day +50

in The CTP Swarm5 years ago

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#Listbuilding - LeadsLeap Autoresponder Overview

So as I talked about in my post last Saturday, LeadsLeap now comes with a fully featured autoresponder, Free Autoresponder With LeadsLeap - Just Launched.

And the best part is that most of those features are free, as a free member you can set up a list and have an instant message go out directly after sign up, and then send out broadcast emails to that list, adding a prewritten email follow up series is a premium feature though.

But as a start if you don't have the money to pay for TrafficWave, which I am using, then this is a great way to start your list for free with a trusted program.

Now unfortunately I do not have the time this evening to make more than a very brief overview, but this is what you need to do to setup a list with LeadsLeap.

Create A New List

So the first thing to do is to Add a new list, and you just click the button and select a name for it.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

Once that is done you go through the settings and add all details, then save and activate the list.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

Create Your Opt-in Form

Then you create your opt-in form in the Opt-in Generator, by adding a New Campaing.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

And then you click on Launch Creator to actually make the form itself, I suggest you go with an inline form.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

Do remember to add your list to the form.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

Adjust all details and the look to your liking, and make sure the speed where it pops in is as low as you can get it, and once you are happpy click on Get Code and select Other Websites, and you will get a Javascript code to copy.

Screenshot from LeadsLeap

Now go over to ClickTrackProfit and make a new LCP, and add a Code block, click the little setting wheel on it and remove the code that is there and replace it with the code you got from LeadsLeap, and save, then test to see how it looks like.

Screenshot from CTP

Now you are almost done, you should also test to sign up to your list and see that it all works.

Well done, you have your own free list.

2020Vision Day +50

So I continue to watch 4 ads per day for my #2020vision, my form of creative pushups, and today I made that in LeadsLeap, and you can see my Weekly Schedule here.

2020vison was started by @pixiepost, and it's goal is to draw attention and awareness to the Hive blockchain and to promote health and the Actifit dApp, and you can see her announcement here.

Screenshots from my mobile watching 4 ads.





So that was my #2020vision for today.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post, leave your thoughts in the comments below, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

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This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

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Thanks for posting that overview, Erik. I also work with Trafficwave, but right now I am unable to withdraw my commissions as I live in Japan and there is no workable solution. So I'm going to test SendSteed (the new LeadsLeap mailer) to see how it compares.

 5 years ago  

Thanks David, yeah from my testing if you are upgraded it should be able to do all basic stuff that an autoresponder is used for plus some additional, but it seems to miss some of the more advanced stuff that you get with TW, stay awesome.

Awesome post, good walkthrough indeed!! Much Respect!

 5 years ago  

Thank you very much Sig, and great to see that you found the way to Hive, the Hive Power delegation to you is still going, stay awesome.

Leads leap offers a great tool for free. It's a pretty good solution to get started with your list. I even found a way where you can use whatever page you want and put an opt-in form on it...

With a pro version of leads leap you can even program an e-mail sequence. I used it for an e-mail course and it works great

 5 years ago  

Thanks Achim, yeah it's a great tool, and an alternative to start a list for free, stay awesome.

Fantastic LeadLeap tutorial. Thanks. :)

 5 years ago  

Thanks Bradley, glad you like it, stay safe, awesome and alive.

Excellent post and walkthrough. I didn't know Leads Leap offered this.

It's only just been launched, @cryptocanny.

 5 years ago  

Thanks, yeah they just launched it.

 5 years ago  

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