Today, April 26, International Hug Friends Day, I hug my cat Susanita. Someone extremely special ... She came into our family life the day after our previous kitten went to another plane: Camila.
From time to time it goes hunting and leaves his "loot" ... on my bed, under my pillow (It could be a lizard, a bird or a mouse ... Even an iguana!).
It is also very selective when it comes to eating ... it hates canned sardines but is also fascinated by canned tuna (Impossible to buy now in Venezuela ... it will remain, we suppose, only in its cat dreams)
A hug to you for having read this far. Susanita appeared and stayed in a hole located in a wall in front of our house. First, for my sister @petronila and for me, it was being aware from afar ... giving it water ... bringing it food and ... saying "No, don't let it enter our house" (We were very hurt by the Camila's absence). But Susanita insisted until ... it entered our houses and our hearts where it reigns with its very particular shape ...
Hoy, 26 de abril, Día Internacional del Abrazo al Amigo, abrazo a mi gata Susanita. Alguien sumamente especial... Ella llego a nuestra vida familiar al día siguiente que partiera a otro plano nuestra gatita anterior: Camila.
De vez en cuando sale de cacería y deja su "botín"...en mi cama, debajo de mi almohada (Puede ser una lagartija, un pajarito o un ratoncitoy...¡Hasta una iguana!).
Además es muy selectiva la hora de comer...detesta las sardinas en lata pero le fascina el atún también en lata (Imposible de comprar ahora en Venezuela...quedará, suponemos, solo en sus sueños gatunos)
Un abrazo a ustedes por haber llegado leyendo hasta acá.
Susanita apareció y se alojó en un agujero ubicado en un muro frente a nuestra casa. Primero, para mi hermana @petronila y para mí, fue el estar pendientes desde lejos...colocarle agua...llevarle comida y... decir "No, que no sele ocurra entrar en nuestra casa" (Estábamos muy dolidas por la ausencia de Camila). Pero Susanita insistió hasta que... entró en nuestras casas y en nuestros corazondes donde reina con su forma muy particular...
hereIf you want to participate in this contest convocated by @dbuzz read its rules clicking
acáSi deseas participar en este concurso convocaado por @dbuzz lee sus bases haciendo click
Hugs for you from this side of the world as well.
It's so kind of you guys to let a cat be part of your family.
Cat's can be selfish but it's just their nature i guess.
I always watch my neighbor's cat coming back after a hunt with some small creature in her mouth. I always wondered if that's common with all cats but after reading your post i believe it is.
Best of luck with the competition.
Thanks, @harpreetjanda, for reading my post and for your good wishes. Susanita is a very special kitten, but, in general, the way a cat expresses love towards its master is by bringing him what he hunts (By the way, cat psychologists say that they consider us "their pets")