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RE: Free Enterprise Upgrade to Listnerds

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Awesome way to promote Listnerds! But to be honest, how much promotion does Listnerds need? It's an insane marketingmonster, there is no other mailer that rewards you for every action you do. There is no other mailer where people are HAPPY to read through emails, and there is no other mailer where you see stunning mails arriving every day, instead of only the annoying emails that scream at you "buy buy buy"! This is the only mailer where you are paid to read, and where you are paid to click, and when you click that you see a blog, giving you all the information you need. Not annoying websites where you can only subscribe to something you don't want, or buy something you don't need.

So yeah, Listnerds is the way to go. Set a standard for the future!

My listnerds name is: foreverhero