A Few Tips To Help You #ThriveOnHive

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

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Just looking over the stats from yesterday's post, it's safe to say people were intrigued by the whole idea of a #thriveonhive challenge


82 comments, 11 reblogs and way over 100 views to the post!

You guys showed up BIG!

So tonight, I thought I could revisit a few tips and tricks on how to get on the path to success with this challenge on Hive.

I read everyone's comments and I'll go over a few of them in this post, that'll hopefully help people get fired up for growing their accounts on the blockchain :)

I'm Not Sure What To Write About...

Believe it or not, this is the number one factor that seems to stop people in their tracks on chain! Finding things to write about when most of us aren't what you would call...Authors...Is tough!

I'll give you a few tips that have helped me over the years...

  • Read A Lot - Maybe you aren't into diving into a book, the point is to fill your mind with tons of content that interests you. Watch videos, listen to TED talk, attend live streams. And you will be blown away with what you can discuss with others on your blog.

  • Journal It All - And then after you soak up that content, write it down so that you remember it down the road. Trust me, you won't remember everything you learned today in a few weeks from now. So get into the habit of journaling everything you pick up, and you'll have a never ending arsenal of topics to create content with!

I Start & I Just Give Up...

Yup, been there, done that too!

Here's a few things I've learned along the way when you get stuck....

  • Use Your Network - Simply commenting more on people's posts or hanging out in a Hive based Discord is a great way to get out of rut! I truly believe, this community in general, wants to see each other win. So use that network you have built, get out there and see if someone can 'gently' kick you in the butt to get back on track!

  • Taking A Day Off...Is O.K. But... - Life happens! It's completely understandable that you may miss a day or two of working on your challenge. Doing these tasks everyday is hard work, and sometimes...We need a break! The key though is to get back on the horse as soon as you can. Don't let a day off, turn into a week off...

Look At All The Upvotes Everyone Else Is Getting...

Here's the truth...No one owes you a thing on chain. The whales, the dolphins, the orcas...No one owes you an upvote, a comment, a reblog...Nothing! If you approach this challenge to build your Hive account up, relying on others...You will give up before you even start.

Because the truth is, I've been at this for almost 5 years now and I have my moments of glory here lol But that never stops me from showing up tomorrow regardless. If my post earned 5 bucks or 50 bucks...I still show up! Every time ANYONE votes my content, shares my content or comments on my posts, I'm TRULY grateful and so thankful for it.

But I know I cannot expect it tomorrow!

What can we control?

Our own actions, so that tells me...I need to show up AGAIN tomorrow, and continue to add value as best I can. Everything seems to work out when you approach it like this.

But Most Important Of All...

You are your own little business here!

Treat every day like you are serving the community by adding value in the form of content, comments, curation etc. The more you serve Hive, Hive seems to return the favor. No one is looking over your shoulder. No one is checking you work like I mentioned yesterday. However, people genuinely want to see you do good!

And like the old business saying goes...People do business with those they know, like and trust. So your job, every day in this challenge (if you take part) is to get people to know, like and trust you!

Everything else will come together after that :)

Interested in the #thriveonhive challenge?

=> Check out the details here!


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@jongolson please be aware that if you upvote your own shares the rewards will go to @hive.fund :p

I should really look into the voting of comments lol I just started doing it cause I saw you doing it on my posts....Might be a good idea for me to actually read up on things lol


Haha no worries, feel free to when others share your posts though or if you see other good shares on posts, the rewards go 100% to the sharers :)

Thanks for reblogging this where I could find it @new.things. !LUV

Have you seen this, @maccazftw ?

Thanks @consciouscat just had a read now. Some pretty useful insight in there I can definitely relate to. Maybe it’s the motivation I need to dig a little deeper !LOL

!LOL I'm hoping it will help my motivation too! !LUV

What did the painter say to the wall?
One more crack like that and I'll plaster you!

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(1/8)@maccazftw, I sent you an on behalf of @consciouscat

I was going to tell a joke about hominy.
But it was too corny.

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(1/1)@consciouscat, I sent you an on behalf of @maccazftw

I've been here for 3 years now and it took me a while to learn how to do things and life hasn't been kind. But even in my worst times I remembered the words you always say......
"show up everyday and comment & curate if nothing else" and I did exactly that for about 7 months that I had to live elsewhere & didn't have the time I have at home. It has helped in getting to where I am today.



It works. And it just compounds too, the more active you get. And it doesnt have to be war & peace when you write, just adding value by sharing thoughts, commenting on the post,...Works wonders!


Yes, I'm sure it does. I'm living proof! After the year I had in 2021 & I still managed to make it this far.......

Don't let a day off, turn into a week off...

Last year I took a 5 month break from posting. Worst decision ever! Now I take breaks in between for a day or two max, even then I try to come online and make comments. That's the least we can do. Can't make up for the lost time. 🐼

Golden tips Jon! 🔥

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's really important. Rest is crucial. I am offline on Saturdays, I dont touch Hive at all. But when the day is over, I'm refreshed and ready to tackle things again :)


It is great to see these tips and reminders of what will help us #thriveonhive I agree, there are times when you need to take a break but then you must get back into action sooner than later. A break should not be a very long time. I like the poster beside you in the photo on this post. A gentle reminder that today is the day and tomorrow will never never be here because then it will be today....


Yeah man, I have a few of those posters hanging around my office. Need to remind myself daily lol


It took you a month when you came over to drag me in, best decision I have ever made online. You just have to keep at it, it will slow but it will come. I am no where near Jon's level but he has put more into it than I have. In total I have put about $100.00 fiat into hive so the rest I have worked and worked to earn on hive. You do not have to have tone of fiat to make, the more you can put in it does make it easier.

There that is my to cents worth.



That's the crazy part, that you can just put minimal fiat but a lot of effort...And that effort pays off!




Well, I guess I will keep learning how to #thriveonhive because everything I come across such post as this, it gingers me more even though I try my best to expand my network.

People do business with those they know, like and trust.

This is definitely a true word and that can be found everywhere, including Hive here.

If you need people, you have to do your work by revealing yourself in every post you come across with.

It's really the secret to building anything substantial. If people like ya', they'll do business with you!


Treat every day like you are serving the community by adding value

This is what I do. I make sure to add value through comments. And then make content out of my experience. Other than that active curation is what that can help. Expectations also need to be less I suppose, otherwise we end up giving and things don't work well :)

That's an approach some use...Dont overestimate what you will accomplish in a few weeks...But then at the same time, don't under estimate what you can accomplish in a year.


Fantastic tips as always. My favorite is "show up every day". You don't have to be shy or have complexes, just do what you want. And above all share share and share!

Showing up is so important, but then the 'doing' part comes next!


You shared a wonderful piece today!
Thank you, i have already started practicing. I hope to do better in months to come

Great to hear it, hope you crush it!!


Sure i will

I know a lot of people on Hive spend their time on Discord. Maybe it's because I'm old, but I find Discord hard to get on with. I find even trying to get to the beginning of a thread frustrating. Also it takes up so much time and energy.

I signed up for loads of Discord groups since joining Hive, mainly following the advice of other people, but I hardly ever visit them. I just can't see the point in spending time and energy on them. I'd rather use my limited energy on Hive.

But maybe I'm wrong, maybe I should spend more time on Discord. I'm interested in hearing people's views on this. What is the point of interacting on Discord!?

I personally dislike Discord. I'd much rather hang out in Telegram or Signal, as I find it much cleaner and a better user experience. But the crypto people swear by it lol


I've never used Telegram or Signal. I guess you have to go where the crypto people go if communicating off Hive about Hive is your thing.

I think I missed out on what the challenge was because I skipped a bunch of posts in my feed due to a headache. I did see a Thursday night live post by you and I'll watch it later when I have time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's more of a 'kick you in the butt and help you along the journey' challenge for the entire community lol


Hahaha I think a lot of people underestimate how much the chain can change in just one week. So going off for a really long time is detrimental to one's zeal to even grow. You've said it all. Show up no matter what happens.

No matter what!

I try to live by that example, and it's not always easy but...Anyone can do it!


Maybe the reason yesterday's post got so much attention is that there are so many people who are struggling on Hive. I have a feeling that the most read posts on Hive are those about how to succeed on it. It's a ready made market.

It would seem that the 'being successful on Hive' niche is a great niche to get into on this platform, just as the Internet Marketing niche is outside of the blockchain.

However, I wouldn't want to go down that route until I have been on here long enough to understand how everything works and have made it work for myself.

Definitely something for me to ponder.

That's a great point, and I think a lot of the veterans here may have forgotten how hard it can be to make a name for themselves here. I hope these posts help, and get people thinking long term here. It's worth the time invested!


I have found your posts encouraging. It's always good to see that others have been in the same place. Hive is quite difficult to understand at first and it's easy to get discouraged. It's always good to have a bit of encouragement when you are starting out.

I highly recommend the book Writing Down the Bones. It's a book about connecting with the writer that's in all of us. None of us are not writers. I seriously can't recommend this book enough. Along the same lines, the book Big Magic is absolutely amazing, too! Recommend these books for everyone here on PeakD to allow your innate creativity to flow.

Ahhhh very nice, love the book recommendations, thank you!


I cannot recommend them enough they are FABULOUS. I read Writing Down the Bones first and it completely changed the way I think about writing. She talks about what she calls "First thoughts" which still impacts me! It's about how sometimes you have this whole burst of thought inspiration and you think "oh I'll work this all out in my mind first and then write it down. But ❌ those "First thoughts" are where all the flavor and passion are, and if you wait, it's gone and flat. For me that carries over into so much more than writing, as all of the book did! Big Magic is written by a woman whose whole life has been about writing.

Thank you so much for this Sir! This is exactly what I needed right now and I'm glad I came across this article. I've been feeling lost lately and didn't know the correct approach to take in my hive journey but this article made everything much clearer. I have also read the previous article and they are both gold mines, I wish all newbies can see this. I'm definitely going to take part in the challenge and I am using a to-do app to keep track of my daily tasks, I just need to be disciplined enough to follow the goals judiciously. Thank you once again for this.


Thanks for checking them out and so glad to hear they helped. I'll be following it up with some more posts like this next week too. Hope to keep people fired up for the journey :)


I will be expecting more helpful posts like this from you Sir, thank you so much

After a year on Hive the only thing I struggled with is consistency which, as you said, can be dealt with once you establish the right mindset and know why you are here in the first place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah what has helped me is thinking long term...Every Hive I earn today, might be worth 10x down the road. So I'm always trying to think long term with every action on chain today.


Yesterday post was helpful and today's post killed it. We must keep pushing and never give up and that's the goal

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Appreciate the kind words! Glad it helped!


Commitment is the most important thing here at HIVE, it is the path to long term success.

What do you call a row of people lifting a giant mozzarella?
A cheesy pickup line.

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(2/6)@jongolson, I sent you an on behalf of @edgerik

It really is. No secret handshake or formula needed, just the commitment to stay the course.


This is really helpful.. I’m going to take your tips. Thanks for posting 😊

Glad to hear it, hope they work for you :)


I’m looking to it working for me 😊

Exactly what I mentioned in my vlog. The success in the blockchain is all about engagement and striving for success, never giving up no matter what happened.

Please how can swap my HBD to other stable coin, without having to swap to hive. Thanks so kindly


Engage as much as you can, as often as you can, with whoever you can!

You can use Hive-Engine for that, at least buying the peg and then sending it to whichever exchange you want.


You can use Hive-Engine for that, at least buying the peg and then sending it to whichever exchange you want.

I tried it, but didn't see how to do that. I have to first sell for swap.hive. I wish there is a step by step guide. Thanks so kindly.

You can sell hive for hbd all day, everyday inside the internal market. And then turn it into swap.hbd....send to hive engine then.

Is that what you mean?

Okay, this is what I want, currently, 1 HBD is 1.37$ I wanted to sell what I have to profit from this little pump. Then buy back when the price returns to $1.

yeah, internal market! that's the way to do it.

Okay, Thanks so kindly. I will check out again.

Nice one and definitely, this is help every individual to grow well in the community, I honestly find this very helpful

Fantastic! Hope the tips help you on your journey!



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A great challenge. Im looking forward to participating.