It's Crypto Mondays - Let's Turn Fiat Into Crypto!

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

We've done so much training for our members when it comes to crypto and blockchain....But the question that keeps coming up is...

How do I bring fiat into the market and buy some of these juicy tokens you keep talking about?

So we decided, tonight was the night to dive in...

We took viewers on a step by step guide on taking fiat currency and then purchasing CTP Tokens on Hive Engine!

We hope you find it valuable!!

▶️ 3Speak


Thank you @jongolson. I had figured that out but it took me a while. This would have been much simpler.

How about doing a video on external vaults for crypto. Thanks for all you do.

Thanks man, glad it helped!

Interesting...Yeah I'm a big fan of cold storage for sure :)

A great tutorial
Easy peasy
This is how we can buy CTP
Awesome show

So awesome to hear you liked it!

We try to keep it simple :)

BEER Hey @jongolson, here is a little bit of from @globetrottergcc for you. Enjoy it!

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So awesome to hear you liked it!

We try to keep it simple :)

Great post @jongolson watching the replay on FB, still learning all this stuff there is a lot lol love it, this was super helpful bro keep up the great work

Awesome, glad you liked it!

Great show.
I haven't tried it yet, but what I hear is that Binance is cheaper with better customer service than Coinbase.
I heard that there is a lot of complains about Coinbase's customer service.

Another thing that I mentioned in the chat is that it is better to use Leodex than HiveEngine.
Leodex is charging 4x less for transfers in and out.
And it is easier to use for beginners as you can choose market and then you only have to type in the hive amount for buying and the token amount if you are going to sell. Much easier.

I think the confusion would be...We're pulling people into Hive. So when they first join and are thrown something called Leo, they might get confused. For sure it's cheaper and a much better experience, but I've learn a long time ago, you gotta keep it super simple for folks at the beginning :)

I enjoyed the livestream on Facebook last night. I had figured out how to do this stuff, but thanks for explaining to other people how to do it.

Glad you liked it man, yeah it took me a while but I got it too lol Hope it helps others get more involved on Hive and CTP!

 4 years ago  

I have watched the extended version of the webinar, and, as I can see there was a lot of fun... Dealing with deposits, conversions, exchanges can be a painful process, and country banksters don't help with that...

Even when you "can" to convert FIAT into crypto, they block accounts, reverse payments, reject cards... I have a feeling that it COULD be easier, if we could freely buy crypto, and not hiding like we are selling drugs...

Better days are coming, that's for sure... Just after this big balloon pops out, and it will be better... ;)

Grown adults, doing grown adult things....But how would we ever survive without the banksters to protect us lol

Great points man.

 4 years ago  

I think the webinar helped a lot of people understand how to use Hive Engine a lot more. Sometimes it makes more sense when they actually SEE how to do it. I know I learn better that way myself :) I still love the ease of using LTC (as you had taught me awhile back) & just stuck with that. Coinbase is great to have so I can build my LTC and use it for HIVE primarily! :)

Thank you for doing that! Great show, Jon! Unicorns were saved! 😂🦄🧚🏼‍♀️

LOL Thanks Jenn.

Yeah LTC is fantastic for it's low fees and it's basically able to be traded everywhere.

Wow Jon!! This is finally the answer I've been seeking for some time now. Thanks so much for this training to HIVE. I really needed this and I'm sure many others do too.

So good to hear it!

Thanks for watching and let me know if you get stuck on anything!

These "small" things for some are big for others when it comes to learn all of this. When we are on this for a while we tend to forget what got us stuck in doubt at the beginning. Thank you so much for the training! Will help me create one to have inside the CTP Blueprint Guide! This webinar will be linked inside as well :) thank you, as always, for the great show!

Awesome sauce :)

Yeah it's something that once you 'get' it'll be easier to do...But understanding the process when you are first starting, is rough lol

Thanks Jon, Great information. Thanks for the demo.
I have not done a fiat transfer to crypto and then to hive before.
Till now, i have only transfered bitcoin from to hive-engine and bought hive.

Yeah the first step, doesn't matter where you get the crypto from. It's personal preference, I just use Coinbase for simplicity sake. But even from a faucet, you can do the same process to convert to Hive.

Great tutorial man. I do it the same way over coinbase.

Yeah I'm sure it's not the cheapest, but I like the simplicity of it all!

 4 years ago  

I am so thankful to finally have a walk through for this part of my Hive journey. I had no idea how to do this LOL so THANK YOU!

LOL Glad it helped!

Yeah it was a long time coming.

 4 years ago  

It definitely helped. Now I need to get money into my coinbase wallet...

Getting from the bank to an exchange seems to be the hardest part for us up here in Canada, for sure. Then you have to figure out which exchange is the easiest to use. Your video is very helpful for sure. Looking forward to the text version.

Not really...Bank to exchange is just linking your bank account to Coinbase. It's the exchange to bank that's the problem lol

Your bank worked that way if you remember mine did not that is why we had to do the other

Great Crypto Monday webinar, @jongolson! The tutorial on buying CTP tokens starting with Fiat was super easy to understand. I will watch it again so that I can take notes and follow the steps on my own.

Awesome to hear that Lisa.

Thanks for watching and glad to hear it helped!

You're welcome, @jongolson! Gotta do the thing again and record for some content! Enjoy your day! Happy Thanksgiving!😀

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Great info for those new to crypto. Thanks for always being willing to help out those just getting started.

Hope it helps!

It would have saved me a ton of pain and heart ache years ago lol

Great information, I think this is one of the biggest stumbling blocks on Hive is figuring out how to buy the stuff. lol This should really help out.

Yeah, and it's getting better...But a big fat buy from your debit card, it gets put in your wallet would help...Big time!

I found the webinar very helpful and I will watch it again so that I can write down all the steps to follow. Thanks for the screenshots of what you were doing.

For sure, I'll bang out a blog post tomorrow, going over the step in written format. Once you get it, it's super easy :)


Welcome to Hive!

Jon Very valuable webinar as always. I will reply the webinar so I can do what you are doingl I learn faster by doing, You have taught me alot

Awesome to hear that man, thanks for the comments :)

BEER Hey @jongolson, here is a little bit of from @globetrottergcc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.