Community is KING!
And we think, CTP is the best community on this blockchain for a few reasons...
- People show up, every day!
- They genuinely care about each other!
- Engagement is a huge focus for their journey!
But most importantly, they believe in what we are building on CTP!
If you are reading this and are a part of CTP, you are the cream of the crop on this blockchain. Thank you for LIVING what community truly is supposed to be...
▶️ 3Speak
Nice one Jon, I’m getting close to 5.5k ctp staked. The snowball is rolling!
that’s awesome man. keep crushing it!!
Posted using Dapplr
What makes hive different from other blockchains? Most blockchains are reserved for nerds that live behind a screen and you need a phd to understand what you have to do. Hive is the blockchain of the normal people. As you said the people is what matters in the end. The best technology is worthless if there are no people to use it. That's why will still be the most promising blockchain to me. Even if the price is low.
love that. the home for normal people lol that could be worked into some good branding.
Posted using Dapplr
Lol I remember someone saying they where not into politics.
For me I am currently watching, it is really tight.
What happens in the US has big effects on the rest of the world so it is ok to just see what's happening over there.
Still haven't heard about "the thing" so are looking forward to tomorrow and the live show.
urgh. i fell for it lol i got sucked in.
Posted using Dapplr
It seems that when it comes to forging a vibrant community on the Hive blockchain, CTP is "The Little Engine That Could" (trying to keep those kid story references alive). We just need to keep telling ourselves that "We Think We Can" build a strong, active, and helpful tribe. The larger engines are not going to help. We just need to start pulling with all our might, believe we can, and never give up. It won't happen today. It will probably not happen next week. It may not even happen next year. But if we all pull together in the same direction with everything we have to offer, I THINK WE CAN!!!
Yeah I told myself from day one on the blockchain, we need to focus on our community and help each other here at home base...Stayed true to that for years now :)
Great to see you doing CTP road to 10 K ctp tokens early as some folks that do not see the show might see it at the earlier time. Yes CTP is all about the Community which is great and is the main reason CTP keeps on growing and with Jon and Blain's hard work as well. The long term growth of the CTP token is looking good which will help everyone in the CTP community. Have a great week all
yeah need to keep that volume up on the markets. most people don’t seem to care about people but just the price of tokens lol sad as it is. that’s on us to do better.
Posted using Dapplr
Great video thanks for sharing @jongolson look forward to getting more involved over the next few weeks within the community and saving tons of unicorns. LOL
We're always here man, every week. No better time than now to get involved.
Thanks for the shout out about the interview series Jon! Gotta make some good questions now. Thanks so much for creating the Inner Circle Mastermind. Really appreciate being a part of that
Should be fun tonight, about to fire up the Zoom room :)
Thank you very much for the kind words, Jon. It means a lot :)
@bigtom13 answered some questions the other day on what could make the Hive communities better. Even suggesting a chat feature.
I'm curious on your thoughts.
What are some features that could be added to improve the experience in the Hive communities that may help get move activity?
I think a chat feature would be awesome, could get rid of the need for Discord.
But the biggest, is ease of use...It's way too complicated these days to figure out where to post and what happens when you do. hive-8474949 doesn't scream community...needs a better presentation to people feel a part of something, not just a number
That's would be nice to be able to customize certain parts of it too, to fit each different community niche.
Great Topic "Focus" and good news. We can build the momentum necessary to have them knocking our door down to do business with us.
I think when you put people first, and focus on that...The business will knock your doors down :)
That's ok Jon (for ocdb program).
Now we know where we can bank on "Hive" and what we should we focus on "CTP" to get noticed.
I see CTPSB and all other program is our chance to get noticed eventually.
Yeah and that's o.k....I love the idea of CTP building each other up anyways :)
Community is King and Engagement is Queen!
And was going to say that together formed an awesome Kingdom, but that community is already taken and it's also pretty cool hint hint
Personally, I feel I don't get much support from the outside like family and friends, apart from some exceptions, but even so, I will continue to thrive even if it's by myself! But it won't be because I have the support from my other family, the CTP Swarm Family, and couldn't be more proud!
Together we will find more ways to grow and support one another and leave the noise or even silence from other tribes behind!
And together we will conquer the World muahaha :)
you are stuck with us now FOREVER LOL
J/k it's awesome to see you crush it every day here Eliana!
Great video man, and nice to focus on community, building and engaging with the community is how to grow it and to keep on growing, and we don't need OCD for that, we have each other.
Also just staked 2k more CTP after buying quite a bit from what I earned on Coinbase, I fell a bit in the richlist after delegating 10k to Luke, but I have already got one step closer to where I was.
Keep up your great work.
So cool man, thank you so much for your constant support in what we are building here!
I say around for the community of people on Hive and CTP is always a big part of that.
I will eventually get you using your Raspberry Pi 😁🙏🤘
ha ha ha man, it's just sitting here. i feel so bad...I need to get active in figuring Linux out lol
When you get a great group of people together they do great things. CTP is a great group of people who help each other. Everyone should give yourself a big pat on the back.
Completely agree...You guys are crushing it!
In more ways than one!