ListNerds Live Splash Page Hacking Part 2

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

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Last week in Part 1, we found a splash page we liked in affiliate tools and started making our own version of it. This is important we can’t all be design pros but we can take a free program like Canva and use the premade un-presonalized splash page or lead capture page as a design guide.

This week we can turn that splash page into a lead capture page for rapid sign-up. This is also useful if you see a lead capture page from your program’s affiliate tools. Currently, I am talking about listnerds but this technique can be used with any affiliate program.

That is my goal in this series, to give out information that anyone can use to promote anything.

We will be doing a wheel spin today as well.

Can you believe how hard it is to get people to collect their prize?!

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