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RE: CTP Chat For May 28th, 2021

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

The Main Lesson I Learned This Week

My personal story is worth more than gold. I do not consider myself special, so why would my journey be anything special? Jon, Blain, and Eliana have been telling me over and over again, to write and create videos about my daily struggles. Not just the triumphs but also the failures and the day-to-day processes. So I am excited for next week and applying this lesson :-)


that is some good advice. Knowing and acknowledging your daily struggles provides a baseline for measuring against later on so you will know if it is still a struggle and the progress you are making.

I did not even think of it as a way to measure progress, great viewpoint 🙂

Like GaryVee says, don’t try to be creative. Just document. Record what difficulties you are over-coming. That story has tremendous value.

That is great advice!!

Learned the hard way :)

That makes perfect sense. We always read about people's successes and achievements. But when we read about their failures, their struggles, and how they overcame them or how they are still dealing with them, we can see that those people are actually just humans like us. It becomes encouraging and inspirational, knowing that we are not the only ones who have struggles in our journey towards success.

Yes, I agree. A few weeks ago Elon Musk host Saturday Night Live, and the genius rocket scientist suddenly just became a person right before our eyes 😉

I didn't see the program, but it's amazing when you see these people's human side coming through as well, isn't it?

Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it!

There's nothing better to build trust is to show the real you and not the "fake it till you make it"!
Also documenting your journey you can later compare and see how much you have grown. It's like parents taking pictures of their baby through the years and making a photo album lol

That is a fantastic analogy!!

I think you are correct but it is a little harder for me to write about my failings. I am getting better though.

All things become easier with practice 😀

Its a struggle to be consistent when your busy. I definitely didn't have as much time as usual.

"Time is the fire in which we burn." Star Trek Generations quote but do I ever feel it being self employed lol