Thank you for all of the awesome "Financial Advice" lol just kidding 🤣 Seriously planning is so important, it goes hand in hand with execution. I plan everything including breaks and meals. I even schedule personal time with family and friends.
I have a Planner that I purchased last year From Ziglar Corp, and I transferred what I liked and felt worked with my business to a spreadsheet, that way I never have to worry about the dates expiring. The planner has last years dates but the spreadsheet has current dates.
I also use a whiteboard, iCal (apple calendar app) along with MS OneNote. Sometimes that is still not enough 😃
Just so you know I have upvoted this post and will upvote the directing email in Listnerds 👍
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When it comes to planning out your posts\ideas\etc, how do you do that part?
Back when @blainjones was running the #ctpcontent Challenge, the direction was to use a calendar and plan your content 30 days at a time, that is what I do. Although full disclosure, no BS I am still working on the process, it has not become a habit and is sometimes forced often times I go back and change things around, almost like I am arguing with myself lol.
Practice makes Perfect 😀