Debates surround if Albert actually stated this
I was just about to debate this when reading the quote. 😂
Passive Income and Compounding are my weapons to early retirement. To me that means still working, but not having to. The resource credits seem redundant after the first few 100 HP though due to that exponential growth.
The price of Hive is EXACTLY where I think it should be... while I buy more. :)
Thanks for that tool, another one I could add to my analytics line up. is also a very neat one.
Love Hive Stats, @leofinance created one of the most addicting pages on the chain lol
Yeah man, I like it low right now too....Once I hit my goals, then let's moooooon LOL
If someone told me ten years ago that big green dildos would turn me on, I'd have laughed my ass of.
Hopefully you get that reference, else this will be an awkward comment.