Hi folks
Let me introduce you to the CTP Talk Wheel of engagement
This is a Daily Prize Winning Opportunity
A new post will be created every day just look for the blue banner
The purpose of CTP Wheel of Engagement is to encourage people to engage by commenting and curating posts everyday.
The rewards are greater than the CTP Tokens you will win.
Being consistent in engagement at CTP Talk will improve your networking ability, writing ability and income earning potential
Please be creative with your comments and encourage others to engage
The Wheel of Engagement is a way you can earn free CTP Tokens
All you have to do is up-vote this post and add a comment to the post at https://ctptalk.com and your name will go into the prize pool and your name added to the Prize Wheel
The prize wheel will get spun each day with the previous days contestants added and shown on the Video play below.
The winner will receive 100% of the up vote value of the previous days post at time of closing for entries
The more people that up-vote and comment the greater the prize pool
Thank you from all participants to all participants - It is up to you how much the prize pool is.
---- Pottery ----
Todays Total Prize amount is 255 CTP Tokens
And The Winner Is:
Congratulations to Today's Winner
Remember to spread the word the more who participate the bigger the win
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The Badge needs to be claimed before the next days spin - Badges will not be awarded in retrospect
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Terms and Conditions
- CTP Talk 'Wheel of Engagement' is not run by CTP it is run by Russell Stockley
- All CTP Tokens awarded as prizes will be transferred to the members account within 24 Hours
- The decision of the Wheel is Final, No discussion will be entered into
- Any abusive, trolling or aggressive comments, or abuse of the system, will suspend that member from being added to the wheel for the next day
- Each day the names on the wheel will change in accordance with the up-votes and comments on the post for the day's count
- To be eligible - You must up-vote this post and put in a comment. If you comment without up-voting you will not be entered, if you up-vote without comment you will not be entered.
- Anyone seen as abusing the nature of this prize wheel will get suspended from taking part.
- 100% of the up-vote value of the post is the prize pool for the next days spin
- Rules may change as the concept progresses
- If you are really looking for a helping hand to developing your business, then there is no better choice than to follow the programs that others have used and continue to use Just Click The Banner below to find out how
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Congrats to @bizventures! Well done! 🤣
WTH can I say about pottery? lol... It's the thing where honey goes? lol
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Congrats to the winner. Next chance tomorrow!
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Congratulations @bizventures! :)
I agree with Rob, a bigger pottery wheel is needed to see the names today! lol
Although I did manage to see I wasn't on there when I did comment and upvote yesterday within the time frame. Please count me in today, Russell!
Happy engaging guys! :)
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Can you get a bigger pottery wheel to do the spinning on please the current one has got that small I need a magnifying glass to see what is happening.
Spin On! Oka
what about 2 pottery wheels and 2 winner's daily?
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Congrats on winning again Michael.
I think pottery goes with the honey pot better lol
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yes I agree with everyone else the wheel got made to small. not sure how it happened. "pottery" Reminded me I need to get more pots for my garden before my flowers and herbs get to rooted.
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In Seagrove, North Carolina, we have a community of artisans who still craft beautiful pottery.
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Congratulations to the winner! I remember back in 2016 when we had our tour in Sagada, Mountain Province, my daughter got to try her hand in pottery making. It's messy but quite fun! Stay safe! :)
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Congrats on the win!
Russell, I have a friend who is a masterful artist, has a degree in art, and has her own pottery wheel. One of my favorite vases for flowers when I buy them for my wife is the one given by my friend and made on her pottery wheel. :)
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Good day everyone, popping in for another spin at the wheel. Have a safe day!
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My eyesight is weak and generally I don't watch videos. So I rely on your tags for intimation in case I win. If not, someone is always winning here.
Keep spinning out a winner everyday! :D
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Another day, another luck ;-)
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The wheel spins like a pottery wheel without getting your hands messy. I remember doing pottery in school made a couple cool vases
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Congratulations Michael @bizventures! Have a great day everyone!
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Congrats Winner ,
Keep Engage Get CTP Good Luck To All☮️
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another winner, bigger wheel needed
Spin ON
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Congrats again to @bizventures...
A guzunder, of all the products a potter's may fashion, is a vessel of dishonour, yet most convenient to have at hand or tarse during the waste hours of the night when nature is most unrelenting in her importunity.
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I am in as usual.
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Congrats @bizventures. Maybe tomorrow is my day.
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wtg to the winner keep on spinning
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Congrats @bizventures!
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Congratulations Michael @bizventures for winning the wheel of engagement spin! I was just a click or two short.
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Thank you @russellstockley for all that you do and a big congrats to @bizventures on the WIn!
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