I have an addiction to giving away HIVE - I Need Help

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago


I love to have Fun, I love Gaming. I love engagement and I love giving things away :)

I realised yesterday when I created another Giveaway post on HIVE that I have an addiction

For a few years I used to have a live steaming show that would happen a couple of days a week called Cuppa Time. On that show I used to have fun and give away stuff, Mainly to do with Advertising credits, upgrades etc, as well as Merch at multiple sites and from multiple sites, The show was well attended and I had approx 30 different Websites that were sponsors of the show.

Since coming to Hive Blocklchain I have started to do Giveaways again.
I no longer old the Live streams so looked at ways that I could use the ethos of HIVE to help people earn and also to give away HIVE

From what I see the main ethos of HIVE is to engage with people, It is to create and curate, which means

  • Creating your own posts, because you can earn by doing so,
  • Curate others posts by Up voting , because you can earn to do so
  • Engage with peoples posts by commenting, because you an get paid to do so

Not everyone likes to create posts for some reason, however they will comment on posts By up voting and commenting on posts not only do you get paid to do so but you also increase your APR on your staked HIVE , which means you earn a greater interest.

So with this in Mind I created 3 opportunities for people to engage by Up voting and Commenting on posts as well as an opportunity to win a percentage of the Author rewards of those posts.

But then yesterday I create a 4th opportunity and realised I am addicted
So below are the opportunities that you have to win free Hive

The CTP Wheel Of Engagement


This is a daily opportunity where you can win free CTP Tokens just by up voting and commenting on the pdaily post. If you do so then your name goes onto the next daily spin of a wheel and a winner is announced and will win a percentage o9f the Author Reward on the post
Visit my Blog https://peakd.com/@russellstockley and Just look for the daily Open for Entries Post

The Honey Pot

honeypotswarmbanner 2.png

This is a daily opportunity where you can win HIVE and CTP Tokens just by up voting and commenting on the post. If you do so then your name goes into the Daily wheel spin and a winner is announced and will win a percentage o9f the Author Reward on the post
Visit my Blog https://peakd.com/@russellstockley Just look for the daily Open for Entries Post

The HIVE Ghost Wheel Spin


This is a daily opportunity where you can win HIVE just by up voting and commenting on the post. If you do so then your name goes into the Daily wheel spin and a winner is announced and will win a percentage o9f the Author Reward on the post
Visit my Blog https://peakd.com/@russellstockley Just look for the daily Open for Entries Post

What Sound is That

what sound banner.png

This is every 4 days, all you have to do on this post is Up vote the post then guess what the sound is, If you are the winner of the post then you will receive a percentage of the Author rewards. If there is no winner then the prize from the previous post will be added to the prize of the next post, essentially jackpotting the prize.
Visit my Blog https://peakd.com/@russellstockley Just look for the Open for Entries Post

And I have more
I also do a post called Hive Helping Highlight
helping banner.png

where I highlight the posts of others to encourage further engagement and network expansion.
Visit my Blog https://peakd.com/@russellstockley

However because I am addicted,, I have also added an element where those that post on the Hive Helping highlight post itself will be put into a random draw for a percentage of the Author Reward

As you can see I clearly have an addiction to engage with others and encourage them to engage and engage with others as well as having an addiction to giving away Free Stuff

So if you want to be involved in these daily and weekly opportunities, drop by my Blog http://peakd.com/@russellstockley and look for the posts that have open for entries on them


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 4 years ago  

It's a great addiction Russell, don't stop with it, that being said, I can't always attend them, got too much on my own plate, but I always upvote them, stay awesome.

 4 years ago  

Likewise Eric, we put a lot on our plates which does prohibit other things, but people like yourself do a magnificent job in getting people to expand their horizons, Good Job

 4 years ago  

I do hope so.

 4 years ago  

You are addicted, and you know it! :)

However, I would like to see livestreams... I wasn't there when you did them in the past... Do you thinking about doing them again?

 4 years ago  

Hi Zoltan, I had been thinking about doing them again, It is a time factor thing though, The best audiences were at American Eastern time, which for me is early in the morning to mid morning, lol, many a show was done while the mist was still rising, :)

I will consider them again :) The best thing was that I cold bring other people up, but the drawings for things was done live, and I would have two cups, so the winner could choose which cup they wanted a prize from :)

here was a list of sponsor sites, I would choose 5 sites and ask 3 questions about each at each show, people would have to go to the site to find the answer and then I had a weekly Jigsaw puzzle they had to solve as well


 4 years ago  

I remember your shows a little. I was still new to affiliate marketing at the time, but from what I do recall, they were a lot of fun. You have a great charisma on camera and the prizes/tasks you come up are always unique and fun. It would totally fit in with the engagement aspect of Hive as well.

Who knows? Maybe it can be something anyone could get involved in, regardless if they are in marketing or not; broaden the audience so HIVE itself can participate. I agree with Zoltan. It would be fun to see again if the time factor can be figured out (which I know can be a struggle). :)

 4 years ago  

Well, it doesn't have to be in the same way as you did it in the past... And if you do them again, please don't do them at the same time as Jon... lol...

Your current Rank (82) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 5%

That's awesome. I'm not giving away Hive in the same way, but a little addicted myself.😅

 4 years ago  

:) Thanks for the Tip :)

I really enjoy your Vlogs, they always put a smile on my face, I like your energy and the information you share

Thanks for the compliment. Means a lot 🙏

Posted using Dapplr

I had to laugh while reading your title... These wheels of engagement are really great and now there will be even one more! Thanks for all that you are doing!

 4 years ago  

Thanks for the support achim - the community is powering and your contribution to that is up theer with the best of them :)

This is fantastic, @russellstockley ! It's the best addiction I've ever heard of hehe
No, seriously, these incentives are the kind of thing that encourage comments besides upvotes. It actually serves as one of the solutions to the curation rewards issue. I recently posted an article Entitlement vs Entitlement
on the importance of commenting in response to the discouragement resulting from low rewards.

I argued that content is not a matter of discussion in a political system, and since it's harder to change the system, we can look for ways around it, like giving recognizing the value of content by providing feedback to authors and be rewarded for doing so, not only through upvotes in comments but also to incentives such as what you are providing.

So thank you for doing this.

Your addition definitely pays out ;)

 4 years ago  

Thanks for your feedbak @lacrucita - I just read your article and will respond on the article,
I think you raise some very good points that people need to be reminded of

The more encourage ment that can be given to people to curtate and comment the better.
With some of my posts I try to get people to give god engaged comment rather than just the one liners, Great Post, Good stuff, etc etc

I like to think that my posts engage people to engage

I couldn't agree more :)

Giveaways really do work to create engagement. The possibility of rewards for comments and upvotes totally encourages me to get out of my old Jonathan-never-talked-on-the-internet-pre-marketing comfort zone, and I'd like to thank you for giving away Hive and CTP.

 4 years ago  

Giveaways are great @curtawakening, but the beuty of the Blockchain is that all you have to do is upvote posts and comment and you get paid, so the giveaways is just extra incentive :)

I totally agree! I just started upvoting myself.

Your giveaways are great. They introduced me to CTP and lot of awesome people.
Nice work Russel.

 4 years ago  

Thats exactly the purpose @r1s2g3 To get people to exp0and their networks and meet so0 many great people :)

I have a similar addiction. I love giving away things too.

 4 years ago  

Its great that there are so many opportunities to engage with people and encourage engagement from them

yes it's true!