I like to consider myself an Altruistic person – however when we get to the crux of things, what does altruism mean and is it really a fallacy
We have a notion that Altruism is doing things selflessly for others; however one dictionary meaning also states that it is having a disinterested and selfless concern for the well being of others.
This could mean that someone who is an absolute A’Hole is an altruistic person as they have no interest in the well being of others, in other words disinterested.
Another states Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings or other animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual.
So is being Altruistic a good or bad thing. Most would interpret this as being a good thing, doing things for others selflessly, being of good nature and not expecting any reward for the actions undertaken that benefits others.
Let’s do something for others because we know it will benefit them. But in reality we do this because of the endorphins this triggers in ourselves.
I change a light bulb before anyone requests it because it needs doing, but I also get a kick out of having light and not inconveniencing others, I do this because of my own selfishness of getting a kick out of doing it.
I don’t have to tell anyone I have done it
I share information and knowledge because I know it will assist others, but I also get a selfish kick out of being able to share some of my accumulated knowledge.
I light the fire every morning for our elderly neighbour so she has a warm house, but I get a kick out of knowing that she is comfortable and warm.
So often altruism is couched in the selfless act of helping others but in reality there is a great degree of selfishness involved.
So as an act of altruism I will keep the word count down on this post because I know that many people don’t like to read gigantic monologues. But in reality it’s because there is no more to be said and I have other work to attend to 😊
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I strongly believe helping others will eventually turn around to give back to me in one way or the other even when i know I can't get back from them directly
I initially don't help others to get back from them but rather help them because they are in need of me