I chuckle when I see someone say "I don't do it for the rewards"...been tempted a few times to say .. Okay.. just write and decline them then.
I think one of the empowering parts of writing on Web3 is that the income is hardwired into the system. So, you can write for the love of writing and have income follow which is a great way to build a business. Denying that the rewards are a factor is neither businesslike nor honest.
I love that...LOL!! Well said!
I agree 100% with what you have said here. It's great to write for the love of writing. In fact, I think if you don't love writing, you're going to be in for a hard time trying to do it... (money or no money), but...
That is so true.
Of course I'm here for the rewards. If it wasn't for the rewards, I wouldn't be here.