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RE: How Does A Blockchain Lose People?

I agree with these three points, and think they are very important.

Here's what I try to do and I think we all can help out and chip in...
When someone shows up on your blog and writes a thoughtful comment, reply! I personally upvote people too but my goodness, the least we can do is reply to their comment. I'm not saying we should reply to the 'dear ser, love post' comments, but if a member of Hive drops a good comment...Reply!
If that same person keeps showing up on your blog, follow them and start engaging with them more! I know personally, this is something I HAVE to do more of! I remember when I first showed up on the blockchain and would comment all the time on a certain members' blog. Did he start following me right away? Nope but when he did, it made me work that much harder because it felt good to be recognized. We can do that for others!
Support the work apps are doing! I'm not saying we have to use each one religiously, however speaking from our company's perspective, it feels feels really good when people start using our apps. Makes the effort and work, so worth it!

I know if you get 50-100 comments it be difficult to reply to all of them, especially if you’re busy with work, family and your Hive Account is your second job. But I think it goes a long way towards making people feel valued.

I know it’s a big turn off, if I write a long comment and get no response. But I try to remember we are all busy, and English isn’t everyone’s first language, so even though people write posts in English they may have trouble responding to comments in English.

And I know how bad I feel if I find an old post with unanswered long comments. If someone writes I try to answer and upvote, then go to their blog to leave at least one comment and one upvote.

Nothing worthwhile is easy, and Hive is worthwhile, so .. ..


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