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RE: CTP Chat For May 31st, 2021

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

In addition to "Build Your List" I would say don't fall for the hype! "Make thousands in minutes for no cost!" These offers only put money in the pockets of the program owner.


I agree totally. I see these offers all the time and I have to admit some of them are very tempting. But since I have committed to a direction, I need to stay focused on it and not fall for any other these "Make thousands in minutes for no cost!" offers.....

Yes and there is so much hype now days.
It can be very confusing for a newbie.
I like Jons 80/20 advice. It is a real practical way of presenting information.
This is a very good point you have made

Crazy to think, it's the most straight forward advice...Yet people fall for it time and time again.

Happy Memorial Day for all those in the US! I want to thank all of our Armed Forces members for their service and a special thank you to those that gave their lives protecting the rest of us!