It usually takes a lot for me to plan things and I don't really plan my days. I used to use a planner but not so much anymore. I have a plan of how I should reach my goals but I haven't written it out just yet. I spend so much time just trying to complete my tasks everyday that I haven't taken the time to plan. I think about how I would do it but I just haven't put it to paper which I do believe that's what I need to do.
Sometimes I do use a checklist by writing done things I want to accomplish the next day and that usually helps a lot. If I have a lot written down I work the list even if it takes a couple of days.
I mostly use paper and pen but sometimes I'll make a chart in MS word. I like using both ways, for me it's whatever easiest at the time I need it. I will try out the mind mapping as I never thought to use it in that way but since you mentioned it that may be a good way to do it.
I don't care for apps and programs for this purpose cause they always seem to be missing something for what I need.
I don't use the SMART goals, not on a daily bases anyway.
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