In Daily basis, I'm using Polygon (an ETH L2 side-chain) for DeFi and a few games, I'm also using WAX (address is orkb.wam), for game too, and Hive, to read the news on LeoFinance and to game too (on Exode).
I also have account on BSC and ETH, but I am not using them everyday, I am using ETH maybe once a month or less, and BSC about once a week. In both cases, it's because I don't have enough assets there to make paying the high gas fees profitable ("high" w.r.t. to Polygon gas fees).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks a lot for sharing. I was very involved in ETH in the very early times. I was running ETH faucet lists but then gradually I stoped using it because of the gaz fees.
tokens.added 2 credits + 3 bonus credits