This morning, I went on a walk through Upper Moor forest, a location I have visited previously. However, this time, I chose to explore a different route.
As I made my way along the footpath, I encountered several fallen trees obstructing my path, so I had two options: either climb over them or attempt to scramble underneath.
As I looked back, the pale, dead grass resembled a blanket of fallen snow.
At the end of the path, I found myself at a spot where nature meets industry. There was a company situated at this point, marking the transition from the lovely woodland to a more industrial area. I decided to walk along the side of the building and go further up into the forest.
I came to a narrow winding footpath that was close to the edge of a steep drop, yet still manageable.
At the edge of the forest, I came across some great-looking trees clinging to the steep side of a large hollow, their roots exposed.
I finally found myself back on the road. At this moment, I'm sure you will be particularly grateful that there was no “smellyvision” feature on this blog, as the smell of the silage from a nearby farm was quite something. The smell was so strong that it felt as if it could singe the hairs in my nostrils! I quickened my pace back to my car, eager to distance myself from the horrible smell.
Some nice old trees! That’s a nice and peaceful walk.
And I didn’t get lost! 🙂