Dugouts in Klimovskoye

Why do I captured dugouts exclusively at night? If you want an answer without words, you don't have to read any more and just look at the pictures – everything will become clear immediately. But I'm still going to think about it.


Klimovskoye is a village in the Cherepovets district of the Vologda region. The administrative center of Klimovsky rural settlement.

There are many dugouts here. They stand at a height difference.

You can't see me among the cellars at night, but you can see me during the day. During daylight hours, I may be asked what I'm doing here and why I'm filming.

But that's not the main reason. Look at the light during the day! He's the same everywhere.

And at night, there is light only from artificial sources, and it will be different in each place.

During the day, I can walk around the whole area in a few minutes.

At night, I soak in the atmosphere of the place because of the long exposures.

When it's dark outside, all your senses become more acute – you start to hear more sharply, see completely different images, and become more alert.

And a picture taken at night feels different.

During the day, everything seems ordinary, familiar to the eye, any landscape with any elements in the frame is perceived too simply.

The night always adds mystery and mystique.

Well, at night, returning to one of the first reasons, there are no people.

No one goes to the cellar for vegetables at midnight.

And now from simple truths to metaphysics!

If all my senses are heightened at night, and photography is able to capture our feelings, then everything that I am experiencing at a given time is recorded as a code on the photo.

Plus, the duration of exposure also affects – in thirty seconds, it can record clearly more than in one thirtieth of a second.

Photographing dugouts is almost always accompanied by excitement and rarely fear.

And this is an increased production of adrenaline, which leads to addiction.

I will definitely come back here at night, capture all the vegetable stores, and with them my condition at the time of shooting, and make a link to this post for comparison.

Perhaps in the evening, with a beautiful light among the cellars, it will also be nice, but it's about the light.

Artificial light from lanterns penetrates the space in a completely different way.

Yes, I forgot to mention another reason for the boredom of these pictures – the snowy season and the sunny afternoon.

It would be more boring only in snowy cloudy weather.

If you shoot them on a summer evening, even if it's cloudy, it would be more interesting.

But the dark time of day will overshadow even the most favorable weather conditions during the day.