Rare snowfalls

in Photography20 days ago

This winter, there is only talk about the weather, or rather about the absence of winter. There was a bit of frost, and there were occasional snowfalls. This is probably the tenth time I've said this: I've never had such a fast winter!


And the speed of the winter, which felt like the deadest period, manifested itself not in the absence of seasonally appropriate weather conditions, but in a temporary feeling.

It seems like it was New Year's Eve recently, like yesterday I was shooting all sorts of festive lighting, and it's already spring.

I didn't want this winter the way I hadn't wanted it in a single year.

And this winter didn't happen...

And, I repeat, it's not the snow or the frosts, but the feeling of the season itself.

January just flashed by, February just disappeared without even starting...

But I was dead anyway...

Every winter I die mentally: there are no vivid sensations and emotions, I feel nothing inside.

But, apparently, it's not the weather that matters, but the ratio of the planets in the solar system, namely the Sun and the Earth.

I hope that with the arrival of spring, I will wake up, rise, be reborn, and be resurrected...


You can not even see with that snow. Where is that ?

Vologda, Russia